Chapter 1

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"Shit, its not working, go check under the hood."

"Lee, its nothing i can fix, see that, empty, unless you have a 40 gallon bucket of gas in the trunk, were basically fucked."

"Ughhhhh!!! Fuck you Trevor, youre so lazy. Your penis is worthless, you sorry excuse for a man." I roll my eyes at him.

"How many times do we have to go over this, I am precious cargo."

"Fine, excuse me while I go look for a gas station up the road your highness" I curtsy, he nods in approval pleased that i just called him royalty. I quickly shove him the middle finger and he dismisses it. I walk up the road for what seems like about 5 km (3.1 miles) and I see a long road to my right, I look up ahead of me and decide that its pointless to keep going forward so I decide to turn into the side road, thinking that the chance of any people being there is higher, I walk down into it for about twenty minutes until i see a peach colored mansion. I knock on the door and it opens. A middle aged woman in a service outfit with brown hair sleeked back in a low bun greets me.

Oh, hello" she smiles sweetly "is Master Renolds expecting you?" Her thick polish accent makes it hard for me to understand what she is saying.

"Hi, I...

"Ofcourse he must, I'm sorry for the trouble, if you would just follow me..." I just go along with it and follow closely behind her because I know I have to talk to someone in charge to get help. "Master Reynol's study is just in here miss." She smiles, opens the door and waits for me to enter. I comply, walk in and sit in one of the two red chairs in front of the desk with a nice big black leather chair on the other side. She closes the door, and after waiting for10 minutes I became irritable and I start looking around the room, I scroll through the books on the shelf behind the desk, they bore me quickly as most are encyclopedias and informational books, nothing really meaty. I turn to his desk and there are some drawers, i quickly reach for them and start trying to open them, all of them are locked

"Its dangerous to be young and curious" I freeze and stand still in my place.

"I..I..." He walks over to me his cologne invades my nostrils, god his scent is intoxicating
"Its alright love, everyone makes mistakes, go sit" I stay frozen still in shock i feel a red blush come over my cheeks. "Sit, Now" he commands his naturally deep throaty voice becoming darker as his direction was not followed immediately. This wakes me up and I shakingly go to sit in the chair infront of his desk as he crosses his arms and studies every feature on me. I redden under his gaze 'Really Lee, must you be so smooth'.
"So, Ms._____?"
"Delilah, you can call me... delilah..." I stutter out. 'Really? Delilah? haven't used that one in awhile, ugh what am i kidding. Dumbass.' Note to self: you go by Lee not Delilah.

"Delilah," my senses reacted to my name rolling off of such a masculine tongue.

"I was not expecting you like Anka said I was, now was I?" I glance up at him and an intensity builds up inside of me when our eyes meet. It takes everything inside of me to stop admiring his sculpted features and full lips and look away. Look away Lee, he's just gonna think youre wierd.
"Well, then tell me why it is i am sitting here on a saturday morning, while i could be eating an egg white omelet"
"Mr....Reynolds i..."
"What?" I look up at him confused.
"Call me Sir" he looks at me as if he was trying to figure something out about me
"Sir..," when i say this i notice his eyes grow with interest, as if this word had a separate meaning to him "me and my friend were driving back into massachusetts because something happend and our trip got cut short and i was going to surprise my best friend getting home early and throw her a party, that noone even knows about, but on the way there we ran out of gas, so i came walking around and i found this place. We have no idea where the nearest gas station is, so i was just wondering if maybe i could get a lift to one and we'll be on our way, im sorry to be a nussiance"
"Hmm..., so no one expects you for how long?" I look up at him wierdly
"Uhh... Five days..." I say suspiciously
"I will take your friend to the gas station, and he will drive back to massachusetts, as for you... I will take you in five days time."
"What do you mean..."
"I mean exactly what I said, i made myself perfectly clear did i not?"
"You did Mr.Reynolds, but i dont... Why?" He stands up walks over to me and puts his hands on either sides of the arm rest of my chair "what did i tell you to call me delilah?" He looks straight at me. "Look, i dont know whats going on, but you dont have to help me im sure we'll be fine on our own ill just be on my way..." I make a motion to stand up and he drastically grabs my gaw and motions my head upwards facing him "Answer me" tears come to my eyes and i look up at him with frightened eyes "Sir" a tear rolls out of my eye "Very good, I think youre starting to get the hang of things" i feel a hand on my knee, he kneels down and opens my legs kneeling between them, i immediately start to try and push them back together he holds them open with ease and slowly starts working his way up my legs on my inner thighs "ehhh!" I push my hands to his face and scratch trying to het him away
"Stop delilah" i keep pushing and he stands and walks over to the desk pulling a key out of his pocket. I dash for the door and try to open it but its locked like a deadbolt
"Its no use, just sit down" he seems undazed as he works on one of the drawers and pulls duct tape out.
"I said sit down delilah" the authority in this mans voice makes me sit immediately, he smiles at me. Chills run down my spine.
"Thats a good girl, so this is how things are gonna work, you do what I say, when I say with no hesitation, anything otherwise means I will simply force you, and disobeying my commands will result in punishment, am I clear?"

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