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Past can be forgotten but if that haunted past
is reminded to you again, then it will break you
InTo Many Pieces....-Author


Author's POV

Little Y/N looked at the school. It was her first day at school. She kissed her mom's cheeks and her father's before walking inside. She was a little introvert. Still she managed to calm herself down.

'Hi!' Someone said to her as she looked beside her. It was a blonde hair girl.

'H-hi..' Little Y/N stuttered.

'I am Sooha. Hwan Sooha.

'I am Y/N. Lee Y/N.'

'Girls and boys go to your own classrooms!' The teacher ordered as the students looked around for their classrooms. They had an ID card where their room number was written too.

Little Y/N noticed that she and Sooha wasn't in the same classroom. She went to her room which was B7TS. Bae Ro na had T5XT.

Little Y/N looked around and sat on the second bench. A boy with glasses sat beside her. She wondered how this young boy had a bad sight.

She was little only 6 yet she was smart enough to notice these things which basically adults would elaborate with 'Kids with electronic devices nowadays.'

Most of the girl and boys were feeling awkward to make a talk with the opposite gender. So they just talked to the same gender.

Little Y/N looked at her front not knowing how to start a conversation with someone. Suddenly a white haired girl came towards her and said,

'Hi I am Anna Stark!'

The little girl was a little bit more taller than little Y/N. She also noticed how the girl's 'Hi' sounded. It was pure American accent. The girl also had white hair which is uncommon between Koreans like her.

'H-hi I am Y/N Lee.' She introduced herself and put her surname in the last just like a Korean yet Americana do.

'Mind if I sit here?' Anna asked as she pointed towards the other vacant seat. Y/N nodded as Anna sat down beside her before they started to talk again.

And that was the start of their friendship journey.....
'ANNA I am so happy!!!' The Teenage Y/N said as she hugged Anna.

Y/N was now 17 and now just wanted nothing but to focus on her studies.

'I am too Y/N. Congratulations you stood first in the exam! Also I am happy for something else too! Do you know what it is?'


'I am going to ask Sunghoon out tomorrow!'

'Oh my god! Yess finally! I told you to tell him! I will help you to ease yourself as you will surely be scared and nervous.'

'H-how could you.... Knowing that Sungwoon was mine, I loved Sungwoon, how could you kiss him and date him!'

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now