My useless life

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Have you ever thought to yourself why you just don't fit in? Why you are different from the rest? And why you have no friends just because your different? Well that is all I think about. I do not fit in because I am a Zebra, and i am an alicorn. I have a pretty big family Zecora my mom, zeek my dad, zoey my sister, zebio my bro,zack my bro, and then theirs me the only alicorn in the family (Another reason I don't fit it) The only one who under stands me is my sister zoey. Until that one special day. 

I was trying to fly (I am the worst flyer ever) When i suddenly saw this orange figure coming right at me. I was about to move out of the way, but i thought it was just in my head so I kept flying. The orange figure kept coming closer to me. Pretty soon the orange figure was in my face. My first reaction was to scream but then i realized it was just a pony so I said "I am so sorry i am a horrible flyer!" "Its OK!" Replied the pony "maybe I could teach you! By the way I'm lightning dash!" "Thanks! I'm Zebie! Hey maybe we could be friends!" That's the moment i made my very first friend. We were walking around pony vill getting to know each other better when Lightning dash asked me "Hey do you want to meet my sister?" I told her yes so we flew to lds house. When we got there I saw a beautiful pony there. "That's my sister Blue moon!" lighting dash told me Ii trotted over to her and introduced myself. I found myself talking to her for a wile. There it was my second best friend for life IN ONE DAY! It was the best day of my life! 

Its has been one day that Lightning dash and blue moon had been my friend, And already Blue moon wanted me to meet someone! "Blue moon you really want to show her him now! You no how I get when I see him!" ld said "Sis you no it will be fine!" "OK fine" I suddenly felt Blue moon grab my hoof and started pulling me some were. I just went with it, even though we haven't been friends long I trusted her. Soon we were at a tree house in pony vill. We went to the door. Suddenly a pony came out of the tree house. He had a big head of hair, I have never seen anything like it. (Probably because I barley leave my home) LD and the pony said Hi awkwardly. He also said Hello to Blue Moon. He say me and asked who i was "oh that's just me and LD friend!" Blue moon told him "Her name is Zebie." "Hi" I said. He told me his name was Titanium. With just a simple hi I could tell that I now have three friends and I was happy about it.

As I trotted happily on home. (Not watching were i was going ) I was suddenly not able to move! I was trapped in a net..... a MAGIC PROFF net. I thought I would be in there forever but a pink and purple pony came dashing over. She had curly hair and a knife in her mouth. She cut open the net and my first thing I thought to do was run home, but when I looked at her smile at me I stayed. I stayed because i thought this could be another friend. I asked her her name she told me her name was blossom. I replied by saying " Im zebie" Blossom asked me if she could stay with me for a wile. I asked her why and she explain that she just ran out of jail. I told her OK. I put my hoof on her shoulder and we walked home. I new she would be a friend a good friend.

All of us have been friends for as long as I could remember. They were the best pony's I ever met! They remind me that I am special in every way possible! They convert me when i'm sad. And most of all they are the best friends I could EVER HAVE!

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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