Day one: children's play

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The sign read welcome to the brightside, I found this hilarious. The town was dull and gray, there was nothing bright about it. As my dad and I drove throw the street, I didn't see one other teenager around. My dad told me there was many people here,I guess he lied once again

We reach a dirt road,which was mud from the rain the day before(read about it on my phone) The house we were appearing at was a dark brown with red window shutters. I was horrified by a dog that walked out in the front yard my dad could see that I was shocked. He told me it was just Jimmys(my dads friend who rent us out the house)

After unloading the car, I viewed the roomes inside the house (four rooms) and decided to get the room on the top floor. The room had dirt white walls and two windows in it. The view was amazing from the room and I would love to take pictures of the woods from up here.

I explored the room a little more to find a box. I broke into the box and there was a doll with red hair,and a little blue dress. I gigged at it because I remember when I was a child I had a doll just like this one. I turned the doll over to find the initials DLJ, that's extremely weird because my name is Delilah Lee James.

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