The beginning

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The forces of the titans were approaching the steps of mount olympus,zues,hades & Poseidon were standing at the top of the thousands of steps leading to capital of the world,zues called apon arose (son of Hades) to retreive "the only weapon that can defeat the dark army" arose of course ageed to the ruler of the cosmos but also notice the hint of nervousness in his voice but abided.arose asked where this weapon was & got answerd to "in the moast harshest,coldest, darkest corner of this terrible world" in other words mount-orythus the harshest & deadllest to the gods & also their children.zues told him to hurry & that olympus didnt have much time, with that arose spun on the heels & sprinted down the steps & as he got faster he sank into the depths of the earth (being the child of Hades) blended in the depths of the ground & sprinted beneath the dark army.he heard the magestic explosions & knew they were from the gods fighting back with their epic powers,feeling lucky that he was not one of the gods but regreted it as soon as he thought it cause he had to go to the moast dangerous part of the world.

Arose emerged from the ground as soon as he felt the once powerfull aura of olympus long as the leader of the gods is alive & olympus stood, then olympus gave of a very powerfull aura that spread through every inch of the world exept that moast remote & evilest parts like for example~mount orythus & helped the gods out when in danger & make them oddly lucky.arose had to tread carefully with his staff clutched in his hands & sure enought he saw the towering peak of the dark mountain & its gigantic dark boulders .As he desended through the now rocky ground he summond a trotector (a very ancient spell that only godly beings can use. surrounds the user with a earth sheild when in danger)he all of a sudden heard a sound & clutching his staff very tightlly stepped queittly,on the rocky ground & he saw a shadow with a bow drawn gliding tword him,he stopped & got readdy for the battle yet to come & all of a sudden a fimilliar face emerged from behind the boulder with silver huntress gear on & giving off a powerful aura only a goddes could give & with a dark braid sliding down her shoulder. he immediately reconnized her as artemis,Godess of the moon & the hunt.she was panting with her bow in one hand & a broken rusty old sword in the other "i have it!" Arose pendend on this curiouslly he said "you have what exactlly?" " the weapon that will defete the dark army come on!" Arose could not argue with a godess so he followed her into the dark forest (a forests that was so dark you could barley see your hands & their iz so many creatures in their its hard to walk,knowone has ever went in it & came out alive,exept the gods anyway).he could not beleive that he had gotten away with not having to desend into that vat of darkness but was also curious of what that weapon was, " are you sure you have the weapon?" "Yes of course it was a trap kronos set up to kapture you & the bolt but i made my-self invisible & grabbed it & blurred out as fast as i could.Arose knew that her being a godess that you could super-sprint & you kinda go into a blur. it seemed to be a trait that all the gods inhereted."um so exactlly how is a rusty old sword going to kill the forces of the titans?" Artimes replyed with "its not just a broked sword,youll understand later but for now we need to get back to olympus! They ran for hours it felt like but arose did not reckonize the rustleing in the trees as they blurred to olympus.all of a sudden a bolt of ice shot out of the trees at arose & froze him where he stood,his whole body was coverd in clear ice exept his head,he screamed at the top of his lungs ARTIMES!!! The godess wipped around wich her braid slipped of her shoulder wich arose thought it was glued cause it had yet to move & it fell on her back & immediatelly shot an arrow,though arose did not see her pull it put of her sheeth but about 50 arows emerged from that one arrow & hit all around him but lucklly didnt hit him.A girl emerged from the trees & jumped on the dark & getting lighter soil.she was stunning,with snow-wight hair wich was in a high ponytail & with snow colored huntress gear on,wich Arose could not beleive his eyes,she was weilding probly the second-most powerful & ancient weapon known,the very weapon one of the most great & powerful ruler of the gods that has ever been;Justin Ice god of Ice. "ARTIMES DONT SHOOT!!!!" Arose shreaked, "i know her!!" Artimes obeyed but pointed her most poisend arrow she had at her, "what are you doing in my forest?"the Ice-girl said , "just passing through kyleia", stop flirting you know i hate you." Arose eyed the ice-weapon & a plan formed in his mind "kyleia, olympus is in danger & we have the only weapon that can help" "Then why are you here?" Arose gripped his staff & it got hot in his hand& all of a sudden a thin spike of earth shot out of the dark ground & shatterd the ice everywhere "NOW!!" Hundreds of arrows shot out from artimes & arose summond the ground before kyleia toshoot out of the ground so it was a round cylidar of earth that kyleia was standing on & rose hundreds of feet in the air even miles & together arose & artimes blured all the way back to olympus.

When they finally emergend from the dark forest artimes eyes anylised the dark army like she was looking for somthing then shoved the old sword & yelled over the divine powers of the gods & the dark army; "Go & take the bolt to zues GO!!!!" & she put three arrows in her bow-string pulled back & let go & each arrow turned in to hundreds of arrows.arose sprinted & sank into the depths of the earth below the forces of the titans.Arose called this: earth-bluring. When he finally emerged at the top of the thousands of steps leading to the throne room of the cosmos Zues,Hades & Poseidon were still standing at the top step.raining down powers that Arose had never seen, mile long explosions ect. & this time they were humdreds of feet tall & zues glowed a electric gold & hades looked like a mass of earthy red-black lava in human form & Poseidon was a great towering mass of swirling mossy ancient looking water.Hades had a long staff with two hooks at the end & Poseidon had his usual trident but zues was only using his hands wich were shooting sparks everyhwhare.moments later as arose was looking at the mpast awe-struckining thing arose had ever seen in his life,zues took notice of arose gapeing at him & shrunk back to normal size "finnally the army is half-way up the steps, they seem to be indestructable but arose you have a horriblly difficult task ahead of you, i am terribly sorry but it is my only choice but for now..." Zues picked arose up & threw him with great streghth past the now desending army & to atoses suprise landed right next to artimes with a smooth landing right on his bottom. The king of the cosmos rose thousands of feet in the air till he was a towering giant of electrisity & he held the broken sword in his hands & it grew into what arose guessed to be a a mile long lighting bolt & the three elder gods held their staffs to their chests pionting up & down & together the three grew brighter & brighter till the were all three mini-suns & with such force a massive explosion from the top of the marble castle of olympus & arose felt the earth below him give a powerful shake while everything around him was destroyed & his vision was getting darker & darker to where he passe out

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