:。・:*:・゚'★,。・ 006

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two weeks had gone by and it seemed as if you and izuku had gotten closer, which a lot of girls as well as uraraka didn't like.

she seemed to be extremely pissed at the fact that you and him were 'friends', you couldn't be bothered though.

after all, what could she do to you?


you sat next to izuku on the bleachers as you both ate lunch and spoke about the type of music you liked. it was a nice conversation.

"i normally listen to relaxing music i guess, mainly when i work out, other times if im upset or so i listen to rock" izuku said, as he took a picked on his nails.

you nodded and hummed, intrigued by his music taste

"what type rock?" you asked taking a sip of your pepsi

"alt rock and heavy metal, you know green day and nirvana, bands like them" he said and you hummed

"yeah i can picture you listening to american idiot while aggressively tackling a dummy." you said, laughing a little and he faked offence

"or is that not how you let your anger out?" you asked with sarcasm lacing your tone.

"oh screw you (nickname)" he said, making you laugh harder.


currently it was after school hours and you stood by your locket putting all your text books into it while waiting for izuku to finish practice.

after that one friday when you had hung out with izuku and his friends, he offered to pick you up and drop you off everyday.

and who were you to say no? after all, mans insisted.

you were listening to music when you heard a muffled 'slam' sound and when you saw a hand on your now closed locker.

you looked at the person and saw the one, the only, ms. ochako uraraka with her usual pissy look.

"can i help you?" you asked, taking off your headphone and looking at her with an raised brow

then she pulled out her Samsung phone and aggressively scrolled through it until she found what she was looking for, then she basically shoved the phone down your throat as she tried showing you a picture.

𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 › i. midoriyaWhere stories live. Discover now