Karma x Reader

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E class. Booted to E class for violence. But your mother always told you that violence was the answer? Guess it wasn't. You walked towards the building, and scoffed. "Well this looks crappy. It literally looks like it was been struck by a tornado, and stepped on by bigfoot twice." You said, and walked in, careful of your arms.

You had cut at least 3 rubber knives up, and sticked them to your arms. Very uncomfortable, but it made do. Especially with your plan. You would hug your tentacled teacher, then make him melt. Or whatever it was he did when he took damage.

Almost as soon as you walked in, eyes where all on you. You felt the cold draft from the winter snow through the building, and shivered, pulling up your scarf over your nose and mouth due to your condition. You had dysautonomia, the condition that makes you physically unable to feel heat.

"Why hello, you must be our new student, Y/N L/N! Welcome to 3-E! This is Irina Jelavic, and Tadaomi Karasuma. I'm Koro-Sensei." The octopus introduced, and you rolled your eyes, shoving your hands in you pockets. You had been wearing two long sleeve shirts, and a long sleeve blazer. The pants where extra thick for you.

You walked over to the only empty seat, and rolled your eyes. "Oh yeah! I wanted to thank you for having me, I'm a big trouble." You said, as you went over to Irina, and hugged her. She made sure her chest came in contact with you. You did the same to Karasuma, and you took off your blazer.

"Thank you, I hope I'm no trouble." You said, as soon as Your teacher's skin melted. You put on your blazer again, and took out hand-held heaters that you shook to keep warm. Even though the place was heated, you still couldn't feel it. Pulling up your scarf again, Irina blurted out, "Y/N, don't you want to take to those layers off?" You shook your head.

"But you will over heat." A girlish-looking boy with azure eyes and blue hair said, concerned for your well being of why you had heating packs and layers on when the building was heated. "OK class, enough about our new friend! Let's start with math!"

-Time skip, P.E. a.k.a. the worst class for you-

You walked outside, P.E. uniform on with extra layers. You had talked with Karasuma, and only he knows about your condition. you trudged outside, not a care in the world of who to partner up with. Then someone tapped on your shoulder. "Hey, I'm Nagisa.Want to partner up with me?" He asked, and you simply nodded, not wanting to use up any energy.

"Let's go then!" He said, taking your hand. You felt his hand, and it was cold. You flinched and immediately took your hand away and started shivering. Everyone saw you, and Karasuma led you inside the building, into a spare room where he had placed heaters and heating devices for you, as you shook your hand shakers.

"Stay in here, you will warm up soon." Karasuma said, and Y/N nodded, grateful for his help even though he knew he was a troublemaker. As Nagisa walked into the room, he demanded for an explanation. Then Karma walked in. Y/N explained the same thing, teeth chattering.

-time skip, a few months later (A/N- I'm lazy)-

It was summer, which means you got to transfer to just long sleeves and pants. As you, Karma, and Nagisa where walking down to the park, you brought hand shakers, just in case. Nagisa said he needed to go after a few minutes (you three had spent the whole day together).

That left you and Karma alone. You blushed at the thought of being alone with him, after a month ago of realizing you had feelings for him.

He took your hand, looking the other direction. You immediately felt heat pass through your hand. You looked at him shocked, and slowly scooted closer to him, and felt heat pass through you body while you lied your head on his shoulder.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" Karma asked, and you looked into his golden eyes, face flushed with all sorts of reds. Karma did the same.

You two leaned closer, until you felt something soft and warm brush against your lips.

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