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Louisa's POV

"Oh gods", I shouted.

Time goes by so swiftly. I mean I just sat down and now I'm fifty minutes late for class. Indeed, I have done it again. I hastily placed the books required for the lectures in my bag and raced out of my flat. I paused and walked back inside the home and proceeded directly to the kitchen.

I spotted a message for Alice, my roommate left for me with a sticky note on the counter. Nothing out of the norm except that she was out with her lover Tobias and she won't be returning till next week. Good for me since I get to be alone in the room, I am going to miss her, however. I then opened the fridge but couldn't decide whether to have a real breakfast, a snack, or a fruit. I'm simply so indecisive that I closed the fridge and left the flat.

"Why do you always do this to yourself, Louisa? Always losing track of time. Urrrrghh!" I muttered to myself, glancing around to check if anybody spotted me talking to myself.

A warm gloomy Monday morning and the road is crowded and bustling with so much activity. Various folks simply scurrying and buzzing. And of course, a hectic morning as such is never complete without traffic. Horns of diverse sounds blasted the air accompanied by the gases spreading from the cars as they passed.

I gently jogged for a short time, carrying my bag close to my chest while I conducted a fast mental check to verify I packed everything I needed for school. I carried on running but the sound of my stomach grumbling from not eating anything before I went prevented me from going farther. I grabbed my stomach and hurriedly went to the bus station, waved down a taxi, and climbed in.

"Blackstone University please," I said.

"No problem", he replied. I was going to say anything when my stomach grumbled loudly again. I lowered my head low in humiliation as I felt a flush on my cheeks. Thankfully, the driver didn't say anything. He simply cranked on some music and sped off.

The trip was peaceful and quiet, save from the mellow music coming from the speaker up at the front. It relaxed me and made me feel incredibly sleepy to the point that I closed my eyes for a second. The air appears quite lovely as it chilled my skin so much that the perspiration I had earlier from running was long gone.
"What could go wrong?".

We came to a standstill as the traffic signal in front was red. A ruckus was going out front leading to cars jumping out of their automobiles to check out the matter. I glanced forward and observed some type of folks with black coveralls maybe around 5.
I grew worried about it and asked the driver what the situation was.
"I can't tell, maybe they're some technicians that someone phoned for the repair of a vehicle or whatever. It's nothing to be troubled about", the driver said. I immediately took a glance at my phone to check the time and discovered I was late. I exhaled gently and sat motionless in the vehicle waiting for us to proceed.

Glass-shattering and piercing cries roamed the air. Gunshots!! How this issue originated, I cannot say. I panicked and lowered my head for protection while covering my ears. More gunfire!! I turned sideways and saw that the driver was shot in the neck. He gasped for breath but blood gushed out of his lips. I heard people fleeing for their lives but I stayed in the vehicle.
Silence. I heard nothing anymore. All quiet.
I slowly opened the vehicle and looked towards the side where the disturbance had begun and I saw nothing. Just smoke. I noticed numerous corpses sprawled on the ground. I trembled but gently went through them.
"Where precisely are the cops when we need them? Surely someone must have phoned them", I thought to myself.

A dart flew and got attached to my ankle. I stared at it and slowly understood that a dreadful destiny awaiting me. Almost quickly everything else went static as I slumped to the floor. But before I dropped asleep, I saw a face that will forever be my darkest nightmare.

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