Lmao Kageyama x Reader angst

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A/N don't attack me saying I suck because I've been writing for three years sooo- :D

also my self insert oc is male and this was originally a best friend imagine, BUT you can imagine whatever gender, and whatever relationship you have with Tobio-chan :>

https://youtu.be/hlqn3aFf2NA support the playlist maker where I got inspo from (u can find the same fic in the comments ;)

~Enjoy Loves~

"Hey, it's alright, Tobio-chan! I'll be fi-"

The boy stood up in tears, walking off to the door. He stood in the door frame and said, "I'll visit you tomorrow." He proceeded to slam the room door closed, and ran off.

"I feel bad for him.." You whispered to yourself, looking outside the window. You counted every little light you could see, as the moon shined on your face.

"I miss those days." You quietly said, laying yourself down.

"I miss helping Kags practice everyday." You closed your eyes, thinking of all the times you accidentally threw the volleyball at his face.

"I even remember when we both got into Karasuno. Hinata and him fighting all the time." A smile crept onto your face, remembering when you were on the team with him.

"If I could just have one more moment with him..." You said softly, drifting into your imagination.

*Cue Kageyamas POV*

"Why did they have to tell me NOW and not sooner!" He yelled, sliding down the wall outside. The tears made his eyes red and puffy, and he sniffled thinking about your cute stupidity. "Goddammit..."

He stood up and started walking off, but realized he could make up for lost time now. Before it was too late.

Kageyama sprinted back into the hospital and into your room, finding you slowly falling asleep. "Hey, dumbass, get up. You can go out, still, right? I have to take you somewhere."

You jumped from his barging into the room, and looked at him confused.

"Yeah... wait, why???" You answered. "Good. Come on." He quickly responded, pulling you out of the hospital and dragging you somewhere.

*Timeskip after 10 minutes lmao*

"Tobio where are we-" You got cut off by him hugging you tightly.

"Remember when we were in middle school? You used to love coming to this park and practice with me..." He said, pulling away and wiping the tears.

You looked at the sight. It's been years since you've seen this place, and it brings back those memories. All the moments where he dragged you over, and you didn't want to admit you loved it.

"Yeah... the last time we came here we messed around and danced for a bit!" You said, tears falling as you remember your favorite song playing.

"Well, will you accept this hand and dance with me?" He asked, holding out a hand. You gladly accepted and he played your favorite song on his phone.

"This might be the last time I see you... so i'll make it all up to you." He said, not being able to hold back tears. You also cried more, smiling as well, though. "Stay with me. Til the end, please." He pleaded, holding you as you two swayed to the song.

"I- I can't promise anything, yet, but i'll always be with you..." You said in a hoarse voice, pulling away and looking at the boy who was also in a mess.

"Just like in middle school. I'll follow you through every life and time."

-You can choose if [NAME] (aka you) dies after the treatment or not because i'm not ready to write what I thought of 😭-

-Your Fav Fruit(y) Bastard

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