Child Psychology: take it from an expert

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  • Dedicated to My little brother

Child psychology : take it from an expert

Chapter one:

Before you start reading- no I wasn't forced to do this for an assignment. This is all thanks to my strange creative and randomness, and also inspiration in the form of my little brother. And no, I am not a doctor, or a college student who is studying to be a psychologist, I am even better. I am someone who knows how a childs mind works first hand. How? Because I am one.

This section is on what I, call 'Frustrated Awkwardness'

Have you ever wondered why a child can be having a normal conversation one minute, and the next they can be yelling and telling you off? Well some times a child, for example, will be trying to tell you something, and then get stuck with what they are trying to relay. When this happens, they sometimes become frustrated, which can lead to them getting mad. So, to express this, they may start yelling, or throwing things. Your child doesn't need to have problems for this to happen, in my opinion, it's inevitable not to experience this at least once in the earlier part of a young ones life. So if it's the first time this has happened with your child, I wouldn't get too worried. But if your just that kind of person, go get a second opinion, it couldn't hurt. You may not know what to do in these situations. I myself know what it's like to just stand there, speechless, with my mouth opening and closing, wondering what to say back. It is different for each situation. Wether they just get really confused, or if they get mad. I have to say, a lot of it depends on your child's adittude. If they are naturally a little ruff around the edges, if they go to ask you a question and they stumble, they may lash out and call you things like 'stupid' 'idiot' 'bratt', you never know. The strangest thing, is that it's not always constant. They can fumble one time and just take a minute's pause and continue, and then later the same thing can happen and they get all worked up. I have to say even if this can be natural, if it happens a lot, and your child doesn't no how to deal with it, it may affect how they interact with other parents or teachers and also children their own age, and they may get into fights or trouble with teachers. My suggestion it to just put them into counseling, or just set up a few appointments with the school guidance counselor. Like I said earlier, each child is different, and will probably each respond to different things, so just trust your judgement with what to do. They don't call it a parents intuition for nothing!

I am If_the_shoe_fits, and this is my version of child psychology.

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