Chapter One

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Authors Note- I will always draw the chapter cover pictures. (Except that I got the story cover from someone on DA). Like this chapter cover, I drew it, andddd... It sucks (~_~;)

(y/n)= Your Name

(e/c)= Eye Color

 "Ugh, Dad I hate it here, I'm the oldest one and the only girl!" I complain.   

 "Darkley's is the only place I can put you that you would fit in." Lord Garmadon said to me. My dad then makes a really adorable helpless looking face that you can't say 'no' to. I knew there was no way to win this argument when my dad makes that face.

 "Dad seriously, please stop making that face, you know it annoys me." I tell him in an annoyed manner.

*Students snickering* "Let me go!" Lloyd screams.

 "Never!" Gene retorted.

 I hear my little brother screaming so I ran into the room to see what's going on; Lloyd is sitting there in front of Gene kicking and shouting because he was was tied up.

 "HEY! Let him free right now!" I yell to Gene.

 "Why would we listen to you? You're not the principal!" Brad tells me like a smart-alec.

 "Sis! Help me!" Lloyd whimpers.    

"I'm trying!" I yelled over the students.

 Hey, I thought, I'm bigger than those stupid kids; I can just plow right through them and get to Lloyd!

 As I am untying the large knot of rope that Lloyd has been tied in, the principal steps into the classroom; the whole room gets quiet really quickly.

  Oh, great just what I need now; the principal coming in and yelling at me!

 The principal stares at me. "(y/n) would you like to tell me what's going on in here?" He asks impatiently.

 "Brad and Gene were being bullies and tied up Lloyd! I was just trying to save my brother from harm." I tell him.

 "It's my business to deal with this situation; not you. (y/n) you should've told me that this was happening and I would've handled it." He told me, "You have detention, again, Miss (y/n)."

 I can't go through this anymore! I'm just trying to help. I hate this school! I'm leaving this wretched place!

 I am in my dorm packing up my things to run away. Food: Check, Blankets: Check, Batteries: Check.

  "(y/n) why are you packing up to leave?" Lloyd asks in a sweet little voice.

 "Well... I am running away because no one cares about me. I get no respect toward what I have to say! I'd probably get more respect living on the streets than being at Darkley's. Besides, I never liked being evil." I confess to my little brother. "I'll miss you..." I tell him as I slip out of my dorm and into the starless sky.

 I run and run and run through the streets to a suitable place to stay the night; in front of a shop that still has the last bits of heat from the heater wavering from it.

 *Sighs* The sky is just as gloomy as I am I thought looking at the night sky as a cloud passed over the moon.

 A week has passed since I ran away from Darkley's. Every day I wonder about Lloyd and how he is putting up without me. I hope he hasn't been hurt by stupid Brad and Gene!

 *Sarcasm* Well, just another rainy day to make me feel sooo much better than I already am!

 I had to start stealing food from shops because I ran out of the food I packed in my bag. I feel really guilty about it. I eat a quick snack of a piece of bread, then walk over and plop myself down in an alley next to a jewelry shop.

  I should stop and rest here for tonight.... even though its muddy, I'll do it. At least its away from any people.

 I awoke startled when I hear voices shouting in the alley. There are a few serpentines arguing about something. I could make out something like "I hear Lord Garmadons' daughter ran away... Pythor says to capture her..."

  Where they talking about me? Why would they want to capture me?

 While I was wondering about that, a big flash of light from the sky blinded me for a second. As soon as my eyes adjust to the dark again, I look up to see what that was.

  Is that..... a ninja? Oh my gosh it is a ninja!

 The ninja is wearing all red and seems to be holding a glowing golden sword that has a dragon design on it.

 "STOP RIGHT THERE!!" He yells at the snakes.

 "Ha, where are the other 3 of your group?! You can't defeat usss alone!" One of the snakes say.

 "Oh, I'm a hundred percent sure I can!" The ninja challenges them.

 Next the ninja yells something like "NINJAAA GOOO" and does some weird tornado thing that's orangey red. He knocks out the snakes one by one by knocking into them while he is doing the tornado thing. The snakes scramble home knocking into one another.

 The red ninja tells himself, "I don't think I'll be seeing them for a while, heh heh." He scans the alley for any more of those horrible serpentine. He notices me and starts to walk over.

  What is he going to do to me? What is he going say?

 "Did these snakes hurt you?" He asked in a cutesy sort of tone.

 "Uhh no, no they didn't. I was sleeping here against the wall and you woke me up when you were fighting them." I replied.

 "Why were you sleeping outside in an alley when you should be at home with your family?" He said, flipping off his hood to reveal hot spiky brown hair.

  Well, thats what I could make out in the pouring rain.

 "I sort of... ran away." I said sheepishly, shuffling my feet.

 "Oh... I forgot to ask you; what's your name?" He stares into my (e/c) eyes.

 "It's (y/n)" I say softly, not daring to say my last name (Garmadon) to him because' he might beat me up since I'm the daughter of the dark lord.

 "Uh, what was that? I couldn't hear you." The ninja strained his head, trying to hear me.

 I replied a little louder, "It's (y/n)"

 "I should bring you back to the Bounty with me." He says not directly to anyone in general. The boy commands, "Hop on."

 I stare at what now is in place of his sword; a red motorcycle in astonishment. "Woah, how did you...?" I started to ask.

 "I'll explain later" Said the ninja as we rode off through the town....  

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