1. Afteraction and On

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Three days Yafya had called me about news from the mayor. For my help in defeating melon and bringing him to justice he's going to award me the yellow ribbon for my service to my community. I had never heard of the yellow ribbon until he told me what it was, but I had somehow earned it and I was to appear at City hall on Wednesday for the ceremony.

It now being Wednesday I sat in a waiting room I was directed to by a border collie in a officers uniform. In the corner of the room hung a tv, one of those older models that were small and fat that also carried a now useless VHS player under it. Not even my grandfather ever used VHS when I was younger. He opted to buy a DVD player since he never watched movies in theaters. I always wondered why we never went and it wasn't til I got older did I realize it was because of the discrimination he faced, and not wanting me to be shamed by him. On the screen was the live broadcasting of the public ceremony, the mayor stood behind a podium talking about the crimes of melon and how citizens could sleep easier now that he was gone. Not soon after Yafya walked up the podium to give a prewritten speech about the night in question the officer from earlier stood at the doorway.
"C'mon Legoshi, sorry for making you wait"
As I approached he turned away and said to follow him. Apparently I arrived a little later than expected because we were in a rush to get the room. Which was quite confusing because they said be there at 6:30. When I questioned the officer he informed me
"Look with these government types when they say one time what they really mean is 30 minutes before. The way I was told is be there 15 minutes before 15 minutes. So it's their fault for not saying anything"
I only nodded to his response before another officer guarding the door butted in
"There you are! Geez, hurry on up they're about to call you in "
He opened the door and I walked to what looked to be back stage of the media room as the border collie called it.
Legoshi-"officer? what do I do?"
Officer-" uh, we'll I guess you'll walk in there when they call your name. You give the beastar a handshake and the mayor will pin the ribbon on your suit. They didn't practice this with you?"
Legoshi-" I was only told to prepare a speech"
Officer-"look don't sweat it you'll be fine: Legoshi I'm sure you're speech is good "
Legoshi-"thank you officer....?"
Officer-"Patch, everyone just called me patch"

Over the speakers I could hear the mayor call my name. Officer Patch opened the door for me . I nodded to him and walked through. As soon as I cleared the door I was hit by the blinding lights of photographers from any numerous news publications. Never felt more glared at in my life but I did as suggested by Officer Patch. I shook Yafyas hand who still stood behind the podium and behind the mayor waited with the ceremonial box in hand that contained the yellow ribbon. Yafya ordered me to straighten my posture and face the cameras. The room went quite as the mayor Spoke.
"Legoshi, In recognition of your outstanding bravery and commitment to peace and justice by bringing in the infamous criminal melon who have long ruined many days for this city. I herby present you the yellow ribbon for your good deeds to all of Tokyo. Stand firm Legoshi"

The mayor then pinned the ribbon on my left chest and shook my hand. Afterwards he gestured toward the podium. I swallowed to clear my throat before trying to speak.

" over the last coupe months as I along with yafya worked endlessly to capture melon I learned something's about life and myself. That many of the troubles of life can be prevented with love. Love for your fellow animal, love for your family, love for oneself. Melon lacked love in his heart for anyone. He was a victim in his youth who's cold environment hardened his heart to others. By the time I met him there was nothing I could do that could change melons ways, only serve him justice. If we as a people do not learn to accept each other people like melon will continue to exist long after. When I was first brought along on this mission on my first encounter with melon I was worried about what made him the way he was. Was it because he was a hybrid? Was it innate? Or was it because of his family and upbringing. I worried about the future for hybrids until I learned the truth. It wasn't him being a hybrid that made melon into the criminal that we feared but being raised an orphan in a cold system after his mother's death. He had no help, no one to reach out to. Melon was not born a murdered, he turned into one. Let us not fear what we don't fully understand and instead welcome it so that we can learn to understand."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2022 ⏰

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