Chapter 10: This Needs To End

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Two weeks went by, we have improved in our relationship. Not that we have one romantically since everything is for the public. But at home things are getting better between us.

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, the birds were singing and everything was peaceful.. okay that's a lie, I got woken up by a loud scream. I put a robe and headed to his bedroom.

"Everything okay?" I asked in a sleepy voice.

"No, because someone screwed big time, in London, and now I have to go with my father and fix this shit!" He said as he was placing clothes in his suitcase.

I really don't know what to do or say, I can't say things will be okay, cause I don't know how the business world works, so I did something my mom always told me, works.

I hugged him. He didn't say anything and just placed his hands on top of mine.

I laid my head on his back as I remained with my arms around his waist. "A hug always help."

He sighed. "Somehow, you really are the only one who can calm me."

He turned around and pulled me to him and then placed a kiss on my head. I smiled.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"


"Did you really mean it when you called me, toxic and annoying?" I asked as I was still in his embrace.

He pulled away a little and placed his hands on my face. "No, I was just angry. There's so much going on at the company and I took it out on you." He kissed my forehead and then added, "for that, I'm sorry."

"Apology accepted." 

"Maybe it's time for this fake marriage to end."

I furrowed my brows. "Divorce?"

"No, from being fake to real." He caressed my face. "Although I haven't been acting fake lately."

"So, when you called me savy and that I was yours, was that real?"

"Yeah." He smiled.

"Lukebear." I chuckled.

He groaned. "Please no."


He crashed his lips against mine to shut me up. This kiss was different, it was sweet and tender. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepen the kiss. Somehow we landed on the bed, with me on top of him.

"This is a nice way to say bye."

I chuckled. "More like, come back fast."

"Are you saying you're going to miss me?"

"Yes, I will. It's going to feel lonely. How long will you be away?"

"A month, hopefully less." He kissed me. "Valerie, will stay here with you. I don't want you to be alone."

I smiled and then I pinched him.

"Ouch, what was that for?"

"Making sure I'm not dreaming." I grinned.

He shook his head and then pecked my lips. "Shouldn't it be the other way around."

"I don't feel like getting pinched." I squished his cheek.

"Too much sweet." We turned around to see, Valerie.

I got off him and sat on the bed. "Your brother, was saying bye and that he was going to miss me."

"Good thing you both were dressed and not naked." She sighed. "Dad is outside, hurry."

He finished packing and then we went outside. Roger gave me a hug and then asked about the baby. I still feel bad that they think this is their grandkid.

"I'll miss you." I hugged Luke.

"I'll miss you too." He kissed me, and then kissed my belly. I smiled at that.

"Let's go." His dad told him.

They got in the car and left. I entered the house and found Valerie, laying on the couch.

"You guys are so cute, makes me jealous. I want that kind of love."

I chuckled. "He makes me happy."

"I see that." She smiled.

"So, what about you and Matt? I saw you both from my window and were all flirty."

"Pft, Matt." She rolled her eyes. "We-" she gave me a look and then it clicked. "Did you threw the vase at Chace, that day?"

"He deserved it." I shrugged, she laughed.

"Anyway, we fooled around, we said, we should see where this would go. But I went away and we decided it was best to stop whatever we had. That day, we were just talking. He said he was seeing someone and I told him that was fine, we weren't exclusive." She sighed. I could see sadness in her eyes.

"But you still have feelings for him."

"Sadly, I do." She groaned.

"You're a great girl, Valerie. You deserve better. One day he will wake up and realize, what he lost."

"I'm so glad my brother married you. I'll never stop saying that." She grinned.

"Luke, is the best," I smiled.

"I'm glad, he told Laura to stay away. I know you two were having problems, cause of her."

"I told him that, I rather give him the divorce than suffer."

"I know, when you guys were having problems, he stayed at my house and talked to me. I told him to get it together, either leave the toxic or stay with his baby momma and be happy."

"I knew we would have problems, ever since that Laurahoe arrived at the wedding. The way he was looking at her that day, broke me."

"I never liked that bitch. Glad she's out of his life." She rolled her eyes. "But, my brother is so in love with you."

I just smiled. I still couldn't believe today's event. The kiss we shared was just, wow.

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