❤️‍🔥The Fallen❤️‍🔥 (KTH)

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"Did it hurt? Y/N asked him

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"Did it hurt? Y/N asked him.

"Hurt? He asked back confused and her lips curved upwards.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Taehyung was caught off guard at her comeback.

She couldn't help but to chuckle at his stunned face.

"I was just messing with you, buddy." She hit his arm lightly as laughing at him.

'I thought see knew.' Taehyung thought to himself.

"I learned that from my friend." She explained pertaining on what you have said to him.

"That's smooth." Taehyung nods and smiled at you.

"Thanks anyway I have to go it's already midnight." Y/N stood up from the grass they both were sitting on.

He waved her goodbye. She waved back too and turned around to walk away.

Little did she know it was really painful when he fell from heaven.

Little did she know he was indeed a fallen angel.

"I lost my wings, so that I could be with you..." he whispered at the night's air.

He got up and went home.

It's funny how you will do everything just to be with someone. It's funny how you will sacrifice your life for that someone.

I think I'm that ridiculous to even fall in love to a human girl and sacrifice my eternal life to be with her.

It was when I got assigned to give a massage to an angel who lived on earth as a human. And I happened to stop by at a coffee shop and saw an old lady shouting at a girl.

It was the old lady that I was suppose to give the massage but I was too distracted seeing the girl's embarrassed yet hurt face. I walked up to them.

"I have already told you many times, how to clean it properly!" I heard the old lady scold the young lady.

"I'm so s-sorry..." the girl bowed her hand ashamed.

"Hey, I think that's enough." I butted in.

"And who are you to..." The old lady stopped talking when she saw who I was.

"S-sir." She suddenly turned into a small kitten. I could feel how the girl's eyes peered on me. The old lady turned to dismiss her.

"Here's a letter for you." I handed her the purple and gold envelop. I didn't wait for her to say something and walk my way out of the coffee shop.

I couldn't remove the girl's face in my mind. I shook my head and continued my way.

I spread my wings. It was different from other angels. It has a mixture of purple and white. I spread it wider and flew higher.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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