|known and unknown|

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It isn't love, it isn't hate!

"Shit" Jimin mumbled while check the clock as it shows 5:00. Jimin remembered that he need to visit his grandpa at every evening. He didn't work officially as a designer, it's just an Internship but he puts all efforts to learn what he wanted to learn. He closed his laptop along with papers and notes, sketches too.

"See you Jimin" someone said and Jimin waved back without seeing him as he hurriedly packed his things. "You missed this" Mr.Min said and gave the tiny box to him. Jimin smiled and took it from him.

Mr.Min about to leave but Jimin hurried to him, "Mr.Min cafe?" Jimin asked as he slowly titled his head when Mr.Min make thinking face "Sure" He finally said.

Mr.Min walked forward as Jimin followed him with shy smile, they both stopped near by cafe shop. They both ordered their favourite cafe, and the order arrived soon.

With a shy smile filled with Jimin, he lost his speeching skills infront of Mr.Min, who is Mr.Min?  This is not regular school crush, it just a crush or maybe Jimin don't know what he labelled this.

Mr.Min is Nothing but Jimin's Internship group head. Team leader to be called, Jimin had two reason to join in this company.

1) he is an architecture, he love to draw. He love to work, he love to design and he need a normal internship to earn normal salary.

2)Min yoongi. A.K.A Mr.Min.

Jimin never really talked to Mr.Min who came first to approach him. Jimin felt the electric thing in his heart, tho he really never showed to him.

Thoughts fly away on the wind while Jimin circling around the cup top as his eyes stare at cafe bubbles.



"Why don't you apply on that company in seoul?" Jimin asked him curiously as he stared at him.

Min yoongi didn't say anything but smiled at him "No, It's Just... You suggested me to  try but why don't you give a try to that company..I don't think that you fail on the interview" Jimin added as he shyly smiled at the end while combined his hair and put behind his ear.

Min yoongi sipped his cafe and neared infront of Jimin while he stared at Jimin with that gummy smile. Jimin never back away as he got confident to give that shy smile without break his eye contact , Call him crazy.. he is that type of fanboy to him.

"Like you said, I have someone that I can't leave"


That's it.. Jimin was deaf now, all he could hear is Min yoongi's words, with that dream world "Who is that someone?" Jimin whispered to him. Min yoongi looked away as he again looked at him "Soon, you'll know"


Taehyung pocket started to vibrate for the third time, so he picked and saw the I'd Jungkook as he immediately cursed, he excused himself from Mr.Jeon and Mr.Park who talked to eachother.

Mr.Jeon nodded to Taehyung and back to face Mr.park "Don't worry Mr.park, take all time. Let the work waits for you"

Mr.park weekly smiled "I try to be more positive Mr.Jeon"

"Why what happened? Is he alright?"

"No, He is counting days.. we do all his wish come true to make him happy for the counting days.."

"I'm sorry Mr.park. it's just 1 hours which I spend with him, but he is so positive and energetic person I ever saw"

Mr.park just nodded "What's his wishes? Let me help with it.. he remaind me of My father"

"Mr.Jeon , by saying this you have gain  all my respect more and more"

"Oh, come on! What his wish"

"I had a son. My father wish to see him getting married"

"That's so sweet of him, Whereㅡ"

He was cut off by foot step, As Jimin walked to them, with that crescent eye smiles snd Mr.Jeon never took eyes of him the moment he saw him "Papa How is grandpa?" He asked as his father told him everything. Mr.Jeon's eye widened as he observe how he talked to his father with that respected gestures and give him hugs and ask him how was his day also checked if he ate or not..

How respectful kid he is..

"Jimin, this is My boss Mr.Jeon and he is My son park Jimin" Jimin bowed at him while smiled "Hello, I'm Jimin, it's pleasure to meet you"

Mr.Jeon smiled to him as he give his hand to shake and nodded to him."What you do?"

"I'm an architecture student sir, now I'm doing an internship in LA company"

"Oh, that's a small one right?"

"Yes, But we learn more things in tiny places, now I'm doing sample for Mall projects"

"That's so good Jimin. I'm proud of you..what's your age?"

"I'm 21"

"That's little short" Mr.Jeon laughed as Mr.park pats Jimin's head "He is just a kid" Jimin shaked his head "I'm a Man now" he giggled "I'm gonna see grandpa.." he added, "it was nice to see you Mr.Jeon..I hope you had a great future" He said and bowed at him.

Mr.Jeon astonished at him.as he bowed back to him, "Your son is smart" Mr.Jeon and looked back to Jimin.


Taehyung looked around as he attend the call "Fuck you Jungkook, you fucking bastard cunt" he whisperly said to his call.

"Okie, that's the too much scold I ever heard from you"

"I'm gonna hang up now.."

"No wait wait"

"What?" What do you want?"

"What? Come and pick me.. I'll share my location"

"I swear Jungkook this is the last time, that I'm gonna save you"

"This is what you said last time, the exact word"

Taehyung sighs as he closed his eyes tightly,
"I Can't leave you Jungkook, you're My best friend"

Jungkook on other side, some how know the tune as he sighs too
"Then come and pick me you brat"

Taehyung giggled to hear this from him,
"Wait, I'll pick you up"

Jungkook hangup the call as he stared at the caller I'd and weekly smiled at it.

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