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May I excuse myself for a moment?" I asked and shifted in my seat, ready to stand up whenever I was given the permission to do so.

"Are you unable to wait for a bit? We're in the middle of our supper, it's quite unsuitable for you to leave as of now," my mother reprimanded me and raised her brows.

I bit my inner cheek hard, guilt overcoming me due to my selfish behavior. She was right, it was ineligible manner – but I just needed to leave, I had no choice.

With a sigh, I spoke anew, "Mother, I'm not feeling too well. I'm sick to my stomach, perhaps I've caught the flu,"

Those were the magic words needed to walk off and so I did, lifting the hem of my dress to not accidentally step on it while making my way to the closest bathroom. It wasn't long until the door that I had just closed opened again and I lowered my gaze to catch a glimpse of the prettiest of hands, then looked directly into the face of my lover as she strutted through the doorstep gracefully, swiftly locking us inside the rather small room and facing me. I opened my mouth to say something, but my words got stuck in my throat when she approached me, laying her slender hands on both sides of my waist.

"I told them I would check up on you," she murmured an explanation into my ear before nibbling on the lobe ever so softly. A series of intimate kisses met my neck as her lips hailed down on my pale skin and the unmannerly touches made my lips part. I grabbed the silky fabric of the torso piece of her garment and tugged on it, each and every of her moves sending sparks through my whole body right between my legs.

One of her hands slid down to my hip and grabbed it, pulling me in closer and whispering against my neck, "We don't have a lot of time, my dear. Unless you want to announce your illness and have me take care of you in your bedroom, of course,"

I shook my head no and tightened my grip on her clothes. Under no circumstances I would lie to my family again and go as far as faking an illness that needs to be taken seriously. Behaving unwell wasn't one of my greatest strengths and certainly not something I wanted to act out on.

"No? My love wants me to please her right here, right now?"

The more she talked and tugged on my dress, the harder it was for me to stay persistent. If she had started teasing me, I would've changed my mind in an instant – maybe my need to feel her was just a tiny bit bigger than my will to be good.

"Please, dear, touch me," I brought out and she lifted her head, giving me a suggestive look before our lips came crashing together. She pushed me against the wall and I was just able to stop a whimper from coming out of my mouth, breathing harder instead. Her fingers lifted the skirt of my dress and I used one of my hands to help her hold up the vast amount of fabric that was now between us. I felt her touch on my thigh and melted like warm butter, struggling to kiss back when she caressed my skin and bit my bottom lip.

It was only a thin layer of textile that was separating my crotch and her fingertips as she rubbed there, my breath growing even more erratic. I knew I was wet by now; it didn't take much to get me there, especially when it was her who was touching me. It wasn't like anyone else ever did, but I just imagined for a fact that she was the only one I would want to do these sinful things with forever.

She broke the kiss and I was certain that she could read my thoughts because a second after, she mumbled under her breath, "You're mine, yes? Only mine, forever,"

I nodded hastily and bucked my hips forward, leaning my head back against the wall. My cheeks were burning and I felt her movements speed up, drawing a sharp inhale from me. "Please, properly," I uttered in embarrassment, my voice unstable.

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