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A/N: I'm back for another Mass Effect fanfiction, I'm mostly a FemShep x Kaidan person but recently I tried a MaleShep x Ashley playthrough, though leaving K' behind on Virmire hurt like hell. I know some people out there hate Ash but once you turn her paragon in ME1, she becomes such a lovable person. Here's a fanfic where Ash decides to take matters in hand because she has a feeling her Skipper may be still alive. This will be after ME3 destroy ending. Follow her along with Joker and everyone else on this adventure. Before I start: John Shepard, Sentinel, Spacer, War hero, Paragon, in a relationship with Ashley. EDI survived because her and Joker are endgame. The parts from ME: Andromeda are from my playthrough; Cora & Scott relationship, Salarian pathfinder as Council member, Sara will also play a major role. I played as Scott.

P.S: Megan you and your wild, crazy ideas gave me an idea (

Ashley's POV

Ashley sighs as she looks at the memorial wall on Normandy's Crew Deck. Every time she passes by it, she shivers because she feels like someone is trying to send her a message, strange isn't it? She misses John a lot and deep down she knows he's out there, waiting for her. Determined, she decides to call a meeting in the war room. Hackett had chosen to promote James to Major and herself to Commander due to their wonderful efforts on defeating the Reapers alongside Commander Shepard. 'I'm coming to get you Skipper, hang tight...'

She goes to the war room where everyone soon arrives, question marks written on their faces, clearly not expecting this. 'You probably all wonder why I called a meeting. My gut tells me Shepard is still alive out there and is waiting for us to either rescue him or pick him up wherever he got stranded. We are his crew, have been through hell together and we came out as closer friends, coworkers or more in my case. We are family. I have no idea where we'll start searching so if anyone has any suggestion, go for it.'

Liara clears her throat having listened closely to Ash's words. 'I used to talk to someone called Alec Ryder, a former N7 who I believe got to the Andromeda galaxy by now with his twins Sara, Scott and their whole scientific team. He's the human Pathfinder for Ark Hyperion. If Shepard got stranded out there, he's in good hands. I know it may sound far stretched but it's Shepard everything is possible with him.' She chuckles

John's POV

I wake up after what feels a lifetime and feel my body aching everywhere. Last thing I remember is seeing the mass relays getting destroyed and hearing Hackett giving an evacuation order to all nearby ships. I guess he thought I wouldn't make it out alive. I lift my head to see a blue asari not far away, clearly not Liara. Wait am I in a ship? Looks like a medical bay. I sit up then stand up to get to a better look around. 'Hello? Can you tell me where I am please?' The asari doctor smiles presumably relieved I'm awake and comes up to me. 'Commander Shepard you're finally awake. Welcome aboard Ark Hyperion in the Andromeda galaxy. I'm Dr. Lexi T'Perro. Wait let me get the Pathfinder; he can explain everything to you in further details. Scott do you have a second? Shepard's awake.'

This Scott guy walks up to me and starts explaining about how they have found a place called Meridian. That's around the time the Citadel entered the atmosphere and nearly crashed into their ark. I internally chuckle, I really have a sense for destruction. He tells me how he had to find the turian, asari and salarian ark along with their Pathfinders. The quarian ark is still missing apparently. Does this mean Tali's people haven't arrived yet? What about the krogan? And the Normandy? Everything's a mess in my head. I need to reach out to Ashley somehow, tell her I'm still alive. Scott continues on to tell me he has an implant in his head called SAM who's based in something called SAM's Node, sounds like him and EDI could become friends. I also got to meet Scott's twin sister Sara who's a Prothean expert; basically Liara in human version. There's Cora Harper as well, Scott's girlfriend, reminds me of my Ash, god I miss her so bad. I need to contact Joker or anyone on the Normandy ASAP.

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