The Chip

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The Government, due to unfortunate events, had lost control of their 'free' country, riots, wars, total chaos was set on America. Unfortunately as a way to keep control, the government had inserted a chip inside the wrist of every person in America, this chip has connection to the data base in Washington.

This chip can control your ability to make decisions, the ability to censor what topic you speak about, and the ability to control your interaction with certain people.

Now, for the past 24 years of the Government using this 'chip' it had been a huge success, the people have been doing as they were allowed, people were 'happy' with themselves.

Fortunately, nothing bad has occurred during the use of this chip which had given the Government the confidence of not removing it.

But, sadly for the government, the chip isn't strong enough for certain people as certain people are stronger then this 'chip'.

Today is January 12, 2067

Diary Entry:
This morning I had woken up at 6:30, 30 minutes after the designated time of awakening. At the moment I am currently attending school, it's lunch hour. After school I will return back to my apartment and begin homework, at approximately 4:30 I will begin to make dinner. Tonight, I will make enchiladas because unfortunately I have no food at my home. Which reminds me to go to the market. I must end this entry here as my lunch hour ends..

I closed my diary and placed it in my bag, zipping the bag close and placing it on my shoulder. The bell for lunch hour to end had rung and people were scurrying to class, I sighed and left the lunch room to my last class of the day, Honors History. The people were quiet as they hurried into their classrooms, mumbling to themselves about what they will do when they return home.

Day after day it's the usual routine, tiring and boring as it's becoming dull.

Today unfortunately I didn't pay attention to the information the teacher was telling us, as the bell for the end of the school day rang, everyone hurried out of the room, returning to their usual pattern.

I sooner returned to my apartment complex and into my apartment, sighing as I threw my bag onto the floor and let my hair down from its usual casual bun.

I looked at my wrist and furrowed my eyes, wanting the chip to be destroyed all together as it didn't work anyhow.

I stared up at the clock and ran a hand through my hair, "Screw everything:" I mumbled and went to my room, throwing myself into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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