The End

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Please read @osnuffles before reading this piece I wrote on a whim. 

"Ozgur..." Ezgi breathe, her silence as if contemplating between acceptance and rejection. Ozgur took advantage of her deliberation and crash his lips against hers. He waited 3 years for this, why did they waste these time at all. 3 years. He savour the kiss as if his last. Well it could be the last. He's not sure how he will survive after tonight but he can't stop. It felt right. And it felt right for Ezgi too, this man despite all his flaws seems to be made for her, just for her.

They ended up on his childhood bed. He watch her as she sleep softly and he thought to himself - My Ezgi, he would die happy tonight. He cuddled her to sleep that night, maybe she wont run, maybe she will stay this time, maybe we will be fine.

Ezgi was gone the next morning, what's new? All these years of running, he felt a knife to his heart knowing that after all these years, nothing had changed. He was about to wallow in sorrow when he hear soft sobs and followed the voice to the balcony. Ezgi is crying.

"Ezgi?" He said as he nudge her shoulder softly. She turned to look at Ozgur with the saddest eyes. Oh what have I done, Ozgur thought. He felt another twist in his heart. Ezgi cried for him, all those years of suffering for naught. An unknown anger started to bubble. This game has dragged on for too long.

"Ezgi, you cannot cry for me." Ozgur cupped her face, demanding that she understands, "My dear. I suffered all those nights for you. I watch you kiss those worthless men, helped you chase your dreams of marrying Mr Right while I die a little watching. I fix you when they broke you, just to hand delivery you to another man more worthy of you than me Ezgi. All that I have done is for you, you cant, after all these years, cry for me Ezgi. You cannot love me because I might break your heart. I cannot break your heart Ezgi ..." Her crying brought a confession that Ozgur never thought he would vocalised. These were his deepest darkest secrets.

Ezgi eyes widen at his confession. This was the closest Ozgur has ever gotten to professing his feelings. "Why? If you love me why would you break my heart?" Ezgi sob. She is trying to understand, she really is but she never understood why they can never be. This arbitrary decision of his is hurting them both.

"Because if I break your heart Ezgi, I might never be able to forgive myself. I will never live again. I cannot bear it if you can never look at me with anticipation and happiness again. I don't want to risk it." Ozgur finally laying out the reasons for why he hide, why despite loving her more than life, he hide and doge. Ozgur can never be good enough for her and he rather suffer in silence than watch her suffer with him.

Ezgi, too, seems to understand. Ozgur believes that he is not made for monogamy, that despite how much he love her, he is afraid he is destined to hurt her. She understand but ... "Are you happy Ozgur?" She asked as she stared at him. Oh those brown almond eyes that enchanted him, how he miss her. He glance at her lips... happiness ... happiness is you, he thought but instead he said "It doesn't matter, its not about me."

Ezgi sigh. "I am not happy at all. That day when I left, I felt as if I ripped out my heart. You were always right for me Ozgur, I just thought perhaps I was not right for you. I saw you and your girlfriend and I ... I thought what does she have that I don't have? That I will never be enough for you anyway so I never went back to find you. But these three years has been nothing but difficult. I see and feel you all around me. I haven't truly lived without you. Three years I spent escaping you only to end up here. You are going to break my heart again now but I don't know if I can live like this anymore. You said you will fix me, you said you will heal me but you ... you hurt me the most. I love you, I still do."

Ezgi is sobbing again now. There it was, her confession. Ozgur once told her that in any relationship, the first to bear all her layers is destined to hurt so here she is, she is willingly to lay out all her cards for him.

Ozgur froze in shock. His greatest fear... of Ezgi loving him, of hurting Ezgi had all come true now. Ezgi love him, Ezgi still love him!

He kiss her intensely, as if trying to make her feel his emotions. With every deepening of his kiss, he wants her to know that he love her too, that he is sorry, that he had hurt too. He whisper between kisses "Ezgi ... Ezgi ... no you are more than worthy. I am unworthy. I am not good enough for you."

They had sex again that morning. The most intense session Ozgur had ever felt. Today he truly and finally understood why they called it making love. He felt as if the room have been dotted pink and all he could think of was "she love me"

They cuddle on bed again, not wanting to separate. "So where do go from here?" Ezgi finally asked. "I would like to try this monogamy if you would like it?" Ozgur asked softly, his heart thumping in his chest. He won't know what he will do if she said no. Ezgi stayed quiet, dragging this pregnant silence. He felt tears welling in his eyes as he waited, "Ezgi?" Bring me out my misery he thought.

"You tried with her and it didn't work. Why would it work now?" Ezgi reasoned, she clearly was more logical than him. This emotional night has taken a toll on him but she was right. She deserve answers, Ozgur will not run anymore. "I only tried it with Derin because ... because she looked like you. I thought perhaps it would be easier, in any case I'll be breaking her heart not yours and that's all that matter. I thought I could do a trial run. All these years and all these women, none come close to the way you make me feel. I now realise that if it will work out, it can only work out with you." Ezgi was brought close to tears again. Ozgur had indeed love her too.

"I love you Ezgi. I love you more than anything and anyone on this earth and if there is life after, I'll love you just the same." Ozgur finally confess, he felt the relief in his chest. He finally can truly smile again, "I love you Ezgi. Be mine and I promise, I will only be yours." Ezgi smile as she kiss his forehead. "You are mine"

*several months later at LaGabbia*

"The unconquerable Istanbul nightlife playboy Ozgur Atasoy has finally been conquered? Ozgur Atasoy is well known in the night life industry as a prolific businessman but has an even more notorious reputation for being a non believer of monogamy. No thanks to his good looks, girls have been throwing themselves at him for the promise of a night's fun. The playboy has never officially dated except for a short stint with marketing executive Derin Linda. Today, the Atasoy family released news of his marriage to soon to be wife and co-business partner Ezgi Inal. Will this marriage last or is this just another passing fancy? Only time will tell." Ozan read the magazine article to Ozgur. "Really Ozgur? Denise told me you should sue this magazine company and Yezmin. This is clearly defamation." Ozgur gave him a defeating look and shrugged his shoulders, he doesn't want to appear confrontational especially since LaGabbia name was involved.

Ozgur knew she was here before she even stepped foot into the restaurant. Since that night, they have lasted exactly 2 hours without each other when she had to go for dinner with the girls. They are virtually inseparable, connected at the hips and so in tune. They finished each other sentences, knows exactly what each other want and can't seem to keep their hands off each other. Ozgur smile as she stride towards him, his baby. "Oh well she's not all wrong. The unconquerable Ozgur Atasoy has indeed been conquered." Ozgur said. Conquered would not suffice, he has been so won over that he would die and kill for her. He wished he had confess earlier, wished he had told her earlier, wished she didn't had to suffer, wish he didn't had to suffer but these years lost made him cherish her even more. He hugged her tightly and kiss the nape of her neck, "I love you my wife" Ezgi smiled. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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