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A New Day Begin God knows what will be the Future Of Two people.

Riddima's Place

Both Madhuri and Riddima were sitting on dinning riddima was just playing with food deeply engrossed in her own thoughts and Madhuri was just observing her.

M- Riddhu if you don't want to eat it then tell me I will make something else for you but don't play with food see today is your engagement you can't starve for whole day right.
I know that you don't want to marry him but trust me he is best for he would definitely take care of you and will give happiness. I know today you won't except it but I promise that you won't regret for it in future.you trust me right?

R- of course maa if you will ask me to kill myself then also I will not hesitate to do it.

M- never say like this I would never ask you for this dear.

Time Skip's

M- Riddhu Uma called me said that first we would go to VR Mansion as she had called beautician for your make up come let's go .

R- hmm ok.

They both went to VR Mansion , Uma showed them the room where beautician were already present.

R to beautician- pls don't do over Make up just a little bit.

B- ok mam.

They started her make up.

After sometime.

Including Vansh everyone were present there they were just waiting for Riddima.

There were no guest as it was vansh's wish because he know that if Ragini gets to Know it she will surely create a scene.

Riddima came down side looking very beautiful.

Riddima came down side looking very beautiful

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U(whispering)- Vansh go and give her a hand.

V- why.(not loudly)

U- I said just go.

With no option Left vansh moved to riddima and gave her a hand.

She Royally ignored it  started walking straight.

M- Riddhu

At last she have to keep her hand in his hand.

They both sit sejal brought the rings.

Riddima made him wear the ring.

After her vansh put the ring in her finger but it was small it was not moving he put his whole power but it got struck he was still pushing it.

D- vansh aab Kya mere fool
(folwer Wala fool ha don't think that Wala fool)
Jaise bacchi ki ungli toad kar he mano ge.

(Vansh now would you get satisfied after broking finger of her)

U- nahi ja rahi ha to ruk ma aabhi aai .

Uma went upstairs to her room and came after 5min with a box in her hand.

U- I thought to give it to you after marriage but no problem ,Vansh make her wear this.

V- ok

Riddima was trying to take the ring out but it was not even moving .

R- who told to apply this much force now it is not moving idiot.

V- how dare you say me idiot you give me your hand I will take it out myself

R- ya while putting you make my finger red and not while taking out are you planning to pull my skin out with it ha??

V- are you mad or what??

R- how did you said me mad??

V- there is a organ in our body called mouth which you use just for fighting with me.

R- I am not at all interested to argue with you you are the one who always begins it.

V- vaah khud gunha karo aur ilzam dusro par daldo.

(Wow put the blame on others by your self doing the crime)

R- ooh just shut up both of us know who is the criminal ok.

V- aree ma ya kas.........

U- shut up  none of you will speak a word.

D- tum dono na ek hi khat(farm) ki muli(reddish) ho

( It is a Hindi quote I know what it is said in Marathi but in English I don't know so pls adjust with it)

U- now sit quietly.sia go and bring mustard oil from kitchen.

She brought the oil and handed it over to Uma

U- riddima give your to me .

She silently gave her hand to Uma
She put oil on her finger and took the ring out.
Vansh made her wear the ring and after having dinner Madhuri and Riddima went to her home.

Precap- Mehandi and haldi ceremony.

{716 words}
[Votes-28 ]

(Pls ignore spelling mistakes)

Some of you were saying short and some were saying medium so it would not be Soo long nor too short
so this is engagement
In next it would be mehandi and haldi.

Do not forget to share your views
And Ragini's jelousy will be shown after wedding as I don't want much drama in wedding.

Your writter

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