Within The Yellow Wallpaper

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Yellow, the color of the sunlight that I basked in during the morning, the warm light that shined against my skin. To me there was no place better. With the soft wind bringing the summer smells of strawberries and honey suckles. This is where I spent my days, dancing among the soft grass and teardrop mushrooms.

To my dismay day always turns into night. At night I was stuck trapped within the walls that I used to call my home. Over time the walls had become yellow in color, like mustard seed or similar to sunlight. You would think that being so close to the yellow I loved that I would in turn love this room, it was in fact the opposite. The room I remained in used to be my sewing room. Here I made gowns for my sisters and daughters. Gowns of brilliant blues and of course bright yellows. Now these memories fade just as the wallpaper.

A new family has come to call this house their home, for a short while at least. I hear them talking, they say they shall stay a few months then venture off to their real home. I see the woman walk in; you could visibly see the disdain on her face as she peers at the room. A hatred behind her gaze. For a moment I thought she noticed me, she stared for a moment longer than most do. Her gaze carried across the walls studying it in detail. Then her husband entered the room, his face had a stern look to it, but his eyes softened when he looked at his wife, when he turned to her his look was one of concern.

"My baby will not be staying here, in this room." she said matter of factly.

"Darling," said he in a soft tone, "There is no place other for her to stay."

"The room we were meant to stay in, would be perfect for the nursery, it has bright colors, and indirect sunlight, the baby would be so much happier in that room." She said to her husband with hope.

He sighed knowing in this case arguing was futile when it came to her and her child. The husband left the room with the intent to bring in more boxes, as the woman remained looking at the dim wallpaper.

The woman slowly walked the length of the room running her finger tips up and down the walls feeling the texture of the yellow wallpaper. With every lap she took her disdain grew. I saw the woman mumble to herself though I could not hear one could tell that what was said was not praise.

Later in the night the couple returned to the room where I watched and waited. The woman seemed to be in some form of distress, she argued with her husband. She said that his presence was stifling, always over her shoulder. When her husband is not around, I see her writing, the contents I could not see but it seemed to put her in great distress. Anytime the floor squeaks she quickly hides the journal and stares at me as if I might give away her secret.

She seems as trapped inside this house as I am, in the nights she doesn't sleep she just stares at the walls, at me. I want to help her, she seems alone. I know the torment of being alone well. I have come to think of her as a friend, with each day she spends here, I think she can see me. I tried talking to her once, but she doesn't seem to hear. I do take comfort in my newfound friend; it has been so long since someone saw me. Trapped behind these walls no one ever sees.

She has started to peel at the wallpaper, my cell that binds me. She keeps the door locked so that she won't be disturbed. I pull at the vines covered in toadstool, toadstool are poisonous little things, this seems fitting for my cage. We both pull, we are going to break out together. As we pull the wallpaper down bit by bit her smile grows, this is the first time I have ever seen her smile. As we were almost done a knock came at the door and she creeped to its side. The knocking turned to pounding.

"John the key is hidden outside under a potted plant, there is no need to hurt the door." she said melodically.

He kept pulling at the door in vain before resigning to grab the key. She came back to help me pull down the last few pieces of wallpaper. He ran through the door, but it was too late, we were free. I stood beside her against him, he held her back, but she was free now. She broke my cage and I helped break hers. Now her husband lies on the ground in shock. And the new life for her and I could begin. Our life away from the yellow wallpaper. 

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