1) The Greenhouse

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It was six in the morning, and I was with Fred and George. We carefully snuck in and I pulled out the muggle noise thing called an air horn. We counted down to three and I pushed down creating a loud noise. In an instant, they shot straight up while screaming bloody murder.

"BLOODY HELL! Are you trying to kill us?!"Ron shouted. I could hear Mum stomping up the stairs. She opened the door as Harry awkwardly trying to make himself disappear.

"You three will be grounded if you don't stop. You woke the entire house. Now get dressed. You only have ten minutes to get ready before Mrs.Longbottom comes, and she hates when people are late,"She scolded.

"Have fun at your boyfriend's house,"Ron teased.

"Just kiss Hermione already. Remember that Won-Won,"I teased back. I saw Fred and George making kissy faces.

"Ten minutes,"Mum scolded as I ran up the stairs to change. I threw on some shorts and a black top. I just had to find my suitcase.

"It's under your bed,"Hermione told me. "You're the best. Love you,"I said.

"Be careful for once,"She told me.

"I'm not the one in the golden trio,"I pointed out.

"Touche Y/N,"She replied, giving a half sigh ay the end.

She hugged me out of no where. "Be safe Y/N. I can't handle them for much longer,"She said.

"What about me? I can't either,"Ginny asked appearing out of nowhere.

"You'll get used to it, Ginerva,"I shrugged, making my tone sound completely casual despite what I was calling her.

"Chop chop kiddos. Your boyfriends here,"George teased.

"When I'm seventeen you're going to wake up to more than an air horn,"I threatened.

"Let's go Y/N,"Mum shouted.

"I'm coming,"I yelled before running down the stairs.

"There you are. Come on dear,"Mrs.Longbottom said.

"Hi Mrs.Longbottom. I've got everything and I'm ready to go,"I told her.

"Behave. Godric knows Fred and George raised you too. Love you but behave,"Mum repeated.

"Love you too,"I said before apperating with Mrs.Longbottom.

I was pretty dizzy, but I landed on my feet this time. "Neville's upstairs. Go on dear,"She said. I grinned and rushed upstairs.

"Y/N,"He shouted running to hug me. He almost lifted me off the ground. He got a lot taller and clearly stronger.

"I missed you Nev,"I told him.

"I missed you too Petal. I added to the green house. I'll show you,"He said grabbing my hand and running outside towards it.

The greenhouse is mostly hidden by trees with a running creek. We discovered it while playing hide and seek. We would spend hours there wether it was playing in the creek or planting things. It eventually attracted birds and other creatures.

"It's a muggle plant called a Hibiscus. They're really pretty,"He said while opening the door to it for me. I walked in to see he had been growing a lot. There were small lizards just scurrying around.

"They're back here,"He said. I walked up to see them in different colors. There was red, orange, and white.

"I love them. You picked a good choice,"I complimented while focusing on them.

"We've got five minutes until it gets dark. We have to go,"He said panicking. I stood up and we ran back to the house as fast as humanly possible.

"Took you guys long enough. Dinners ready,"Mrs.Longbottom scolded.

"Sorry. We had to run,"I explained out of breath.

"Right now sit. It's King Ranch Casserole,"She told us before we all sat down to eat.

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