Ksimon- My Protection

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starting with a good ksimon story because As you've probably noticed it's my favourite. This is a school AU

Simon 16


The boys grew up together from y8 to where they are now, they like to call themselves 'the sidemen' as they are the popular group. Simon was they easiest for the other groups to 'pick on' as he was so kind, he wouldn't hurt a fly. They would go for vik usually but his boyfriend tobi, he put a stop to all that by threatening the other boys who quickly backed down. The Bullies would pick on them because they all were part of something they didn't agree with, the lgbt community.

There was Harry and Ethan, Vik and Tobi, JJ and simon and Josh who was the only straight person of the group being with his girlfriend of a year, Freya. Simon was clearly having some troubles with bullies, thankfully JJ hadn't found out about it although Ethan had and let me tell you he was not happy.

'Si! you can't let them treat you like that' Ethan shouted frustratedly, cleaning the boy up after some obvious punches he had taken.

'Eth please, JJ can't find out you.. you know what he's like he'll kill them'

'you've got a point, i won't tell him that's for you to do. but if i catch them near you again i'll be sorting them out myself, deal?'

'Deal, thanks Eth'

'No problem si, now let's go find your boyfriend before he sends out a search party'

'of course' simon laughed.

'siiii! where was you'

'Sorry, Me and Ethan went on a walk'

'okay good you wasn't on your o-own, what the fuck happened to your face??'

'He's okay JJ he tripped over so i took him to the bathrooms and cleaned him up don't worry about it yeah?'

'Thankyou Eth'

'No Problem Mate'

'Heyyy Babe'

'Hiya Haz, you okay?'

'Yeah i'm good, we were looking for you guys' Harry replied, gesturing to Freya and Josh who were behind him.

'Sorry me and Simon was on a walk then we came here before JJ would send a search party out for him'


'don't lie you would'

'True, only if i knew something was wrong'

'Awe, you two are so fucking cute'

'Cheers Haz, although you two are cute aswell'

'of course'

'well i'm bored here, what you guys got next'

'We have Science Tobe'

'ughhh Vik you know i hate that why did you bring it up?'

'Sorry darling, you asked what we had next and i told you'

'i wish you never, i hate our teacher'

'honestly me too, but you get to sit next to us and i'll help you with your work deal?'

'fine, it's a good job i love you hm?'

'guess so love'

'i am not going to science'

'J, you are'

'i'm not Si, that teacher is a prick'

'yeah i know he is! but you can't just not go you'll get detention, again'

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2022 ⏰

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