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Abby was  playing on the playground with her doll, [Name]. She was playing on the swing with her, giggling away as she felt joy in what she was doing with her tiny friend.

Abby loved her doll so much, she even carried it to school with her. She'd often get teased or bullied about it, but she didn't care. She liked being with her best friend no matter what.

Unfortunately that joy didn't last for long as she saw the group of children that bullied her at school for bringing [Name] to school.

"Hey Abby, still acting childish I see? Aren't you a little too old for dolls?" One of the bullies said.

"N-no, no one is too old for dolls." Abby shot back as she got off the swing and held [Name] protectively.

"Oh boo-hoo! You just say that because you're a Crybaby!" Another bully yelled as they pushed her on the ground.

Abby screamed as she held onto [Name] tighter as if her life depended on it.


Abby laid on the cold hard floor, bruises all over, feeling soulless, empty, cold, it felt like she was hollow.

She stood up, stumbling slightly as she began to walk home. She couldn't believe what just happened, she was angry very angry. She wish she didn't have this stupid doll, maybe then she wouldn't get bullied so much.

"URGH!! I HATE YOU!!" She screamed as she threw [Name] into the forest. She then ran away in frustration.

Narrator's pov:

'She threw me away..... no! She wouldn't do that... would she?' The poor doll thought as she got up and dusted herself off.

As soon as she  got up, she felt a little dizzy. She picked up her dog plush which was very small for her size.

She massaged her head to calm down her nerves as she felt some lines where her forehead is.

She seem panicked as she looked around. She then found a puddle and went to look in it. She gasped as she saw, in her reflection, a crack on her porcelain face.

 She gasped as she saw, in her reflection, a crack on her porcelain face

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"N-no...." She said as she backed away in disbelief.

"No..." She was getting more dizzy be the second.


Her head feels light


Her heart is pounding

"Abby..... "

She's helpless, she can't call for the person who threw her away!


Pleading won't do anything


And that was the only thing she said before she passed out.....

᎒𝘽𝘼𝘽𝙔 𝘿𝙊𝙇𝙇━ Uglydolls [SLOW UPDATES]Where stories live. Discover now