Chapter 4 - The Flashback

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(2 years before the movie):

Webs was in an Nightclub training her hacker skills, she was going on a meeting with a online friend that offered an job

Webs: well shit, he won't come today, time to go.

Before Webs leave the club, she stoped to see a Green Yellowed small fish, with a spanish accent, coming to her way.

?: Buenas noches señorita Tarantula, may i speak to you un poquito.

Webs: No, sorry, i don't know who you are and what you want, leave!

?: Muy Bien, hasta la Vista.

And she closed the door in front of him, just to see a group of big boys waiting.

1: well well well, what do we have here.
2:its the bitch that stole our virtual money and transactions

She was dead already, until...

?:tendrías el coraje, Of beating a woman, imbecile

2: and Who the fuck you think you are little fish, to talk what to do.

They both laughed

?: My username is El mordedor de trasero(Butt Biter)...

(Captain America reference scene INTENSIFIES)

"It was him" Webs yelled in mind

...But my real name Mr. Piranha, member of The Bad Guys, and you, hijos de p**a, picked the wrong girl and guy.

And then he yelled while charging at then.
It was only 3 minutes of fight and they were defeated
After the fight Piranha said
"Never come back here again, pendejo"

Both of the trio Ran away with despair.

Then Piranha looked to Webs And said: Are you Alright, Chica?

Webs just smiled, waved her head and  answered: Where can We Get Started, mon ami?


The Bad Guys 2022 (Ms. Tarantula x Mr. Piranha) - Miráme Mon AmourWhere stories live. Discover now