Flaming Trash Can

367 33 14

Loki's POV

"Making my way downtown

Walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound


 I sing the last part fairly loud, so now I'm getting weird looks. Not that care very much. It's a nice day to go for a walk. I just hope that I don't get mugged like last time. Though I'd beat up whoever would mug me, like last time. My stomach growls in hungry so now I'm getting food. I stop at ya friendly neighbourhood convenience store. While I looking for food I found the best possible thing. Microwaveable ramen. I quickly grab both boxes full of packets of ramen. I just walking to the cashier to pay when the person there threatened the cashier with some sort of green goo glob floating between their hands. JuSt. FuCkInG. dAnDy. I was hungry but now I'm  hangry. I approach the two with my boxes.

Cashier: "P-please don't hurt me!"

Green Goo Guy: "Oh I won't hurt as long as you do exactly what I want."

Loki: "Hi sorry to interrupt, but can I please get a meat bun as well as paying for these"

G.G.G: "What's wrong with you? Can't you see I'm robbing this place!?"

L: "A lot of things, now can I pay for my food?"

C: "u-uh s-sure?"

G.G.G: "Hey! Don't ignore me!"

L: "You're a failed collage student who got expelled, so now you're trying to get your name in the paper by robbing a local store that on one else knows, or at least something along those lines. Now can I please just pay for my food?"

Then the door came flying off it's hinges; almost hitting me if I didn't dodge it. I look back at the idiot who did that. I see a man on fire. This situation just got 1000 times worse. G.G.G was like "Oh hell naw" as he tried to run away but got burned and knocked out. This is one of the reasons why I hate him, he burnt my meat bun. Again. At the same place too. I just looked up at him and glared in eyes. 

E: "Why are staring at me like that?"

L: "Because you're a terrible person and burnt my meat bun. Again. In the same place as last time. Because you rushed in the building without thinking. Again. In the same place as last time. Plus you set the place on fire. Again. In the same place as last time. So now you're picking me up while crushing my ramen. Again. In the same place as last time. And now you're about to say a speech about villains. Again. In the same place as last time."

He just glares at me as he starts his speech about villains and how they're heartless monsters who crave nothing but chaos. Ah yes such bullshit. It's much longer this time though. "- for villains have no reason to do such terrible things to people-" okay that's it. I walk up to him while completely silent and kept my head down and he somehow didn't see me. I stop right in front of him. Raise my hand. And bitch slapped him into tomorrow. Knowing that he'll then say that I'm a villain, I run as fast as my legs can carry me. Hearing him yelling from behind me; I take backroads and ally ways to lose him. After about 15 minutes of running I finally do. Exhausted, I slowly stumble on home. I walk thru the door and collapsed face-first on the couch, not even acknowledging my brother. 

"What did you do? Run a marathon?"

"Oh, you know. Just slapped a bitch."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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