I don't want to lose anyone else

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Chapter 2- I don't want to lose anyone else

  Arden stood in between her father and Erin at Justin's funeral

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  Arden stood in between her father and Erin at Justin's funeral. It had been a few days since the man who killed her brother had seemingly disappeared. Her eyes welled up with tears as she watched her brother be buried right next to their mom. The funeral service was beautiful and small. It was just intelligence, herself and Olive along with Daniel. Once the service was over everyone agreed to meet at Molly's. Arden placed her hand on Erin's arm before giving a squeeze. She walked over to her moms grave and bent down "Hi mom. It's been a while, I miss you so much. Justin is up there with you now and that makes me happy through the pain. I can't wait to see you again one day. I love you"         
She kissed the top of the tombstone before heading to her father's car. She climbed into the passenger seat and headed off to Molly's. Once they arrived the two walked in. Hank went over to the bar where Alvin sat at. Arden gave Alvin a quick side hug before heading over to Erin and everyone else. She sat down and gave a soft smile to everyone. "Are you doing okay?" Erin asked "I'm doing okay, I will probably to return back to the bau soon but I'm not sure I want to leave you and dad." Arden replied to her as she rested her head on Erin's shoulder "What do you do for work if we may ask?" Jay was the first one to ask "I work for the FBI in the behavioral analyst unit. Basically we help stop criminals on a bigger scale. We travel to different cities and towns and help out whatever police department needs help catching someone." Arden said. Soon after that her phone began to ring so she excused herself from the table to answer it. "She seems nice. How long is she sticking around for?" Adam asked Erin "Not sure honestly. I know she eventually has to get back to her job but she said she's not sure if she wants to leave."
Arden stepped outside into the cold breeze and answered her phone "This is Voight. Oh hey Spenc, I'm doing okay. It just hurts knowing he's gone but he's with my mom now. I'll probably be back at the end of the week. I might try to transfer out here." Arden said "Is that what you want Ar? What about the BAU? you love what we do." Spencer replied "I know. Trust me I love all of you and what we do but I'm scared if I leave my dad and sister that something might happen to them. I can't lose them Spenc. I plan on talking to Hotch about it when I get back. I'll call you later okay?" Arden said "Okay. Stay safe Ar" Spencer said before hanging up. Arden placed her phone away and sighed before heading back into Molly's. She spent the rest of the day getting to know everyone who worked with her dad and Erin.
Soon the end of the week arrived and Arden was preparing to head back to Quantico. She finished up packing her bag and took a cab to the twenty first district. She said hello to Trudy who buzzed her up. She walked up into the main area and smiled softly. She loved being back in Chicago but she knew she had to eventually go back to the team. She was still unsure if she was going to transfer out or not. She walked up to her dads office after greeting everyone else and knocked "Hey dad. I'm leaving town now, figured I would come and say bye before I left." She said softly to which he gave her a small smile and stood up "I will miss having you around kiddo. If you ever want to come join us, there will always be space for you." He told her "I appreciate that dad." She gave him a tight hug before her phone began to buzz. She let go of her dad to answer her phone. "This is Agent Voight. Oh Hotch. Yes I was just about to head to the airport." She said "I know you weren't coming back to work till tomorrow but we caught a case. We need you to meet us in Tennessee." He replied "I'll change my flight. I'll be there when I can." She said before finishing up the conversation and hanging up with Hotch. "Change of plans, I have to meet my team in Tennessee. I'll call you when I can dad. I love you." She said before giving her dad a kiss on the cheek. She quickly said bye to Erin before calling Penelope "Pen, it's Arden. Fill me in on the case" She said as she quickly waved goodbye to everyone else before leaving the district.

Up next...
Arden meets up with the team in Tennessee. Once they solve the case her and Hotch have a conversation about her future at the BAU.

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