Chapter 3: Cake

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Kirby awoke to the early dawn light peeking through the trees. Yawning, he sat up a little. Meta Knight hadn't left his side, because he was still there, with his cape wrapped around him.

Kirby studied his mentor. He appeared to be sleeping, although Kirby couldn't be sure. Meta Knight always was hard to figure out. Careful not to disturb him, Kirby got up and looked at his other two companions.

King Dedede was obviously asleep. But Waddle Dee appeared to be awake. He was laying on his back, watching the early dawn sky. "You're awake, too?" Kirby asked, sitting next to the Waddle Dee. "Yeah," Waddle Dee replied. "How come you're up so early?" Kirby asked. "I'm always up at this time," Waddle Dee said. "I like watching the sun rise."

Waddle Dee turned to look at Kirby, who was now laying beside him. "How come you're up?"

"Um..." Kirby began. Why was he up? "I couldn't sleep," Kirby said at last. The two friends continued to watch the sun rise in silence for a few moments. "You seemed pretty comfortable with Meta Knight," Waddle Dee said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Kirby asked. "I saw you," Waddle Dee replied. "Buried in his cape. It was pretty nice of him to keep you warm. That's not something he'd normally do, anyways."

"Well, I saw you with King Dedede!" Kirby retorted.

"He never even knew that I was in his cape. I waited until he fell asleep. That's another reason I got up early, so King Dedede wouldn't discover me."

Kirby pondered the thought. King Dedede and Waddle Dee had never seemed to get along, despite Waddle Dee's calm, accepting attitude. And Waddle Dee had been in King Dedede's cape after he fell asleep...

"Well I didn't choose to sleep next to Meta Knight!" Kirby defended himself. "But you didn't object," Waddle Dee pointed out calmly. "I was too tired and cold!" Kirby snapped.

Meanwhile, Meta Knight and King Dedede were watching the two argue, or Kirby at least. "How long are they going to keep this up?" Meta Knight sighed. "Waddle Dee slept in my cape?" King Dedede asked, his expression an O_O one.

They continued to watch the two, until Meta Knight walked over to break it up. "Wha- How long were you two up?!" Kirby gasped when he realized the other two were awake. "Long enough to overhear your mishap," Meta Knight replied. Waddle Dee had stayed calm throughout the entire argument.

He walked back over to King Dedede with Kirby and Waddle Dee. "Yeah, thanks for wakin' me up," King Dedede muttered. "And Kirby," Meta Knight said. "You do realize I was up before you?" He looked at Waddle Dee. "Both of you?"

"When did you get up?" Kirby asked. "Midnight?"

"I get up at the crack 0f dawn every morning," Meta Knight replied, turning around to gaze at the sky. "Emo," Kirby muttered. "We should get going," Waddle Dee said. "Agreed," King Dedede said, then realized his mistake. "I mean... No! I'll never agree with that Waddle Dee!"

"I'll lead!" Kirby exclaimed as he began walking forward, but he was stopped by, of course, Meta Knight. "Kirby, you need to understand authority," he explained. "King Dedede is our King, so he has the highest authority. I am your mentor, and one of the most respected Star Warriors in Dreamland, so I have the second highest authority. You are my apprentice, so that puts you in 3rd for authority. And Waddle Dee... Well, he's just a Waddle Dee, so he's last."

"And," Kirby interrupted with a glare. "I saved your butt and the butts of Dreamland millions of times from crazy demon beasts-" he sent a suspicious glance at King Dedede, who chuckled nervously "-So that puts me in first."

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