Yellowfang would awake,After having a hard night due to her belly arousing terribly. She'd blink, trying to focus her vision on the walls of the medicine den around her. "Holy StarClan,Kits shouldn't be this aroused when in their mothers stomachs" She'd say stretching carefully, then walking out of the enclosed den, onto the openings ledge.
She'd refocus her eyes onto the bright light outside, seeing what was currently going on in the camp. " Hey Yellowfang! Your looking well fed? Save enough for the rest of the clan?" Foxheart would say, smirking and cleaning her pelt of moss shreds near the entrance of the warriors den." It gets funnier everytime you say something about it FoxHeart." YellowFang would hiss annoyed, and stalk off, going towards the main camp area.
She'd take a seat, right next to MudClaw and SageWhisker. " Is Cedarstar already making RaggedPelt do patrols? It's not even early. Yellowfang would ask MudClaw, tilting her head confused." Yeah somethings oboviously going on. He wouldn't even stop RaggedPelt from not doing his duties this morning." Mudclaw would state, watching RaggedPelt announce the patrols on Shaderock. "Mudclaw,HollyLeaf,NightWhisker,
Please do a border patrol near carrionplace. There has been may traces of rouges near the thunderpath." RaggedPelt would say, flicking his tail to dismiss them.
YellowFangs Choice
Random💅[ Warrior Cats! ]💅 || The originality of this book IS NOT MINE. But the AU is. ||