𝟏┇ Playing house to distract me, but you're no good at Acting ┇

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Mama was a liar.

You can always tell when people are lying. It was like a sixth sense to you. From the sudden change in their speech pattern, their tone of voice, where the direction of their eyes are facing, and every subtle twitch in their body.

Especially the expression on their faces.

You could always see the lies as easily as breathing.

Mama was always smiling brightly, yet it never reached her eyes. They always reflect such a somber look. Though the kids are none of the wiser about this. You only took notice when she wore such an expression at a certain time.

When a kid gets adopted.

But who wouldn't be sad about that? Especially, Mama, she took care of you all since you were babies. Only to leave when the time comes and never come back again.

It was also something that you took notice of whenever one of the kids got adopted. They say their goodbyes, promising to visit or send letters only to never be heard of ever again.

Of course, Mama would be sad about that. She loved and cared for every child in the orphanage and to never hear from them again after they left, must have hurt her.

Are they happy now? Even though everyone is living happily here in the orphanage, did those kids who left found happiness outside? You wonder what the outside world is like if they can forget their own life here in the orphanage.

"Are you happy Mama?" You once asked her. Bright, curious, childlike eyes shifted away from the book you were reading to meet her eyes.

You didn't miss the look of surprise in them before she composed herself with a warm bright smile, an expression that never matches what she actually feels.

"I am" She answers. Walking behind your seat she gently places her hands on top of your shoulders, tucking a loose strand behind your ear.


"Are you happy?" Mama looms over to meet your eyes. You tip your little head as you blink thoughtfully at her question.

"I am"


Such happiness doesn't last forever. Not when you can see all the lies surrounding you.

October 12, 2045

It's Conny's last day.

A glance from outside the window where the sun was setting, it was almost time for her to leave. Everyone was probably helping her get ready and say their farewell. Everyone except you. Though you couldn't care less as you sat by yourself on one of the windowsill in the library staring at the book on your lap.

At least you thought so when the door of the library creaks open. You turn your head to see none other than Conny.

"Well..." You reluctantly shift your eyes away from her as you turn your attention back to the book on your lap. "What do you want?"

Although you refuse to look at her, Conny smiles. "I wanted to say goodbye"

"I don't"

Silence ensues in the room before Conny crosses the room and grabs you in a tight hug catching you by surprise as you stay there frozen.

"I'm going to miss you"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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毒𝟏 ┇ 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐭 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 ┇ 𝐑𝐚𝐲Where stories live. Discover now