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𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗁𝖾
𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖺𝗂𝗋𝗉𝗈𝗋𝗍
𝗃𝗎𝗅𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗅𝗍𝗁, 𝗍𝗐𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗈𝗎𝗌𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗒 𝗍𝗐𝗈

— "This is so much work." Mathew said, walking through the meter detector and grabbing the basket of his things, placing his jewelry back on. "Maybe you shouldn't wear so much jewelry, you could pass off as Jaden Smith." Nala said, smiling as she put her earrings back in. "How old are you? 26, and you still act like a child." He said, and she shrugged her shoulders as their mother shook her head. "You both still act like children, I remember when you both were in high school, bickering just like this. And if you keep on doing it we're going to miss our flight, so if you wanna hurry and stack up on some snacks before the flight then let's go." She said, and Nala blew her brother a kiss as she walked with her parents. Kenneth on the other hand, he was with his parents and his sister. "Anna, don't hit your brother." His mother said, and Anna stared up at her tall older brother. "Gosh, just wait until I reach your height." She said and that made Kenneth laugh. "You never will, I'm 28, and you're 14." He said, and his dad laughed at them both. "You both are very tall for your ages, now me and your mother are gonna make sure everything is suited in first class, you guys can go ahead and go get some snacks?" He said, Kenneth nodded and everybody eventually made it to their gate, and Kenneth was getting snacks. "You're the dumbest person alive if you think Sprite is better than Pepsi." Nala said to Matthew, and he scoffed. "Pepsi is literally apple juice with a bunch of food coloring." He said, and Nala shoved him. "And Sprite is water and soap. Sprite is literally sparkling water with more sugar." She rolled her eyes and she looked around, seeing Kenneth. "Hey, excuse me sir." She said, walking up to him. He turned around and looked down at her, what did this girl want? "Yes?" He said, and she held up the two bottles. "Sprite or Pepsi?" She said, and Kenneth shrugged. "Easy, Pepsi. Who knows what people put in Sprite." He said, and she laughed in Matthew's face, and he just shook his head. "Whatever." He grabbed the soda and walked to another part of the store, and Nala grabbed something that had alcohol as an ingredient. "Woah, woah. That has alcohol in it." Kenneth said, shaking his hands. "I know, that's why I'm taking it." She laughed, but he took it from her. "No! You're too young for that." He said, and Nala shouted at him. "Too young?! I'm fucking 26 years old you asshole!" She said, and she grabbed the object and pulled her mask down. Kenneth stared down at her and his face felt flushed, he felt embarrassed but also stunned, wow she was beautiful but wow was he embarrassed for thinking she was still a student. "G-God, I'm sorry you're so.." He stared at her while holding his things, and Nala kept her eye on him, "You're like 5 feet, did you stop growing at twelve?" He asked her, and Nala glares at him as she turned around to see her brother laughing his head off. "My sisters 14 and she's bigger then you, Jesus." Kenneth batted his eyes as he pulled down his own mask. "I do apologize." He said, as Nala kept her eyes on him as she just rolled them and then walked away. "Wow, what a-" - "Kenneth, hurry up, they're gonna call our Gate soon." Anna said, walking to him with a few snacks in her hands. He took them and went in line as he paid for the items, walking towards their parents once again. "Now, Kenneth. Don't think I saw you with that girl over there." His mother said, and his father smiled. "It's about time you start finding someone to get with eh?" He looked up from his phone, as Kenneth made a disgusted look. "No, I don't wanna date someone who can pass off as a high schooler." He said, looking around as he kept his hand on his suitcase. "Oh hush, not everybody is gonna be as tall as you want them to be. Plus, she's absolutely beautiful, she looks wealthy too." His mom said, which made Kenneth raise his eyebrows, "We don't need money." He spoke, and Anna glanced towards everybody the same time they spoke, their mother spoke up once again. "Of course we don't, but dating someone who is probably just as wealthy as you means you definitely won't get used for money, you'll be more successful combined, and imagine all the wonders you guys could do together? They're on our flight it looks like." She said, which made Kenneth roll his eyes and huff. "God, I pray they aren't in first class either." He said, and meanwhile with Nala and her brother, they sat in the chairs and looked at their parents. "Mom, dad, for this Vacation can you guys actually stay off of your phones for once?" Nala said to them, and her dad didn't look at her as he scrolled on his phone. "Nala, you know your mother and I are very busy." He said, and Mrs. Swayer took a picture of herself on her phone. "Joshua, I am not working, I am going to enjoy this vacation. You should've called the office to not bother you while we're here for the week like I did." She said, posing for another picture. "I'll call them when we get to the Hotel, but Nala..who was that man you were with?" He asked, and Matthew side eyed her and just smiled. Nala caught on as she sighed, "Just stop stupid white guy, he thought I was a high schooler when I grabbed a drink. I absolutely hate people, why do I have to be the shortest one?" She said, and Matthew laughed at her. "You sound stupid, it's not anybody's fault but your own. Maybe if you weren't drinking Coffee at 11 you would've been a little taller." He said, and Nala flicked the middle of his forehead, which made him jerk his head back and rub the spot. "Oh hush, enough fighting you two." Mrs Swayer said, as her beard turned to the flight attendant over the speaker phone. "Gate 25A has just opened up, please report to the front with your belongings and your ticket to report to the plane." Both of the families have made it to the gateway, and somehow Kenneth managed to be behind Nala. His father leaned in and placed his hand on his shoulder, "Here it is son, this is your chance to talk to her." He said, and Kenneth rolled his eyes. "Dad, I don't wanna talk to her, okay? Plus, she's beautiful so I highly doubt she's single, she can't be." He said, as his father just nodded as his lips went into a flatline, he moved away from him as the line moved up. "You don't wanna talk to that boy?" Mrs. Sawyer said to Nala, and Nala poked her lip out. "Absolutely not." She whispered, handing the lady her ticket and she began to walk through the gate and eventually got to the back of the plane. "Gosh, I forgot how beautiful first class is." She said with a smile, sitting at her seat that was tight by the window, but she knew someone was sitting next to her. "Matt, your seat isn't next to mine?" She asked him, and he shook his head. "No, I'm sitting with mom, and dad's not in this part he's in business." He said, and Nala sighed as she leaned back in her seat. "You've got to be kidding me." She looked up at the voice as he saw the man once again, Kenneth. She just looked at him and she sighed, "I hope the plane crashes.." She said under her breath, as she looked away from him. Kenneth huffed as he looked at his dad who was smiling like an idiot, signaling him to speak to Nala, but once again Kenneth didn't listen. Kenneth sat down in the comfortable chair and placed his headphones around his neck. "Look, guy. I know this is gonna be a long flight, so for the whole time don't even think about talking to me. I'm not in the mood." She said to him, placing her headphones on her neck as well, they had the same exact ones, same color. "I don't get why you're so upset at me, it's not my fault you look like a kid." He said, and she glared at him. "Yeah? You were looking at me pretty hard even though I look like a kid." She said, which made him flinch as he jerked his head to her. "What? Are you calling me a predator? Look, I was staring at you pretty hard after you pulled your mask down because you're hot." He said, as Nala crossed her arms. "Thank you, now dont interrupt me." She spoke, placing her headphones over her ears and crossing her arms over her chest. Kenneth glanced at her as he stared down at her outfit, she was was wearing a button up white shirt, beige trousers with a pair of white sneakers, she looked absolutely gorgeous, a successful woman, you could tell she was wealthy. He kept staring at her until he looked away, wrapping his seatbelt around his waist. The plane had eventually had taken off and everybody was calm and relaxed in your seats, eventually the flight attendant had said that it was safe to roam the plane and take off your seatbelts. Nala sighed happily as she unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed a snack from her bag, opening it and placing it on the tray with her laptop, checking emails and such. Kenneth had opened his eyes to see what she was doing, she looked like such a busy woman. He batted his eyes as he turned to the side seeing a lady with a snack cart coming down, she had Champagne and other things. He slowly took his headphones off of his ears when the lady came, "Merlot?" She asked him, and he immediately grinned. "Yes please." He said, and the lady smiled at his charming smile, popping the bottle open she ended up hitting her elbow and spilling the wine onto Nala's laptop, that slightly splashed onto her white shirt. Kenneth's jaw went to the floor as Nala jumped as her hands went in the air. The flight attendants face went pale, "Oh my god, I am so sorry. Let me get you some napkins." She said, searching through the trolly and pulling out these satin clothes to hand to Nala. "Oh my god, you're lucky if my laptop didn't break." Nala whispered, as Kenneth took some of the napkins and slowly dabbed it on her laptop. "Don't worry, it shouldn't break." He said to her, as Nala looked at him he looked back at her, she found herself slowly smiling at him. Now that she came to think of it, he was such a handsome man, he had beautiful hair and eyes, a slight stumble and a hair of black glasses, he looked rich and charming. "If you say so." She whispered, as the flight attendant grabbed more napkins. "I am so sorry, if you need me to replace anything I'll try my best to give you my latest paychecks." She said to her, and Nala looked at her. "Don't worry about it, sweetie. Everything is just fine, if it breaks I can easily replace it, you keep your hard earned cash." She said, and the flight attendant just smiled, "Thank you so much." She said, walking away as Kenneth folded the damp napkins and looked at Nala. "You're generous, no?" He said, grinning. Nala found herself smiling at him once again, and she then scoffed as she pushed him away. "Whatever." She said, unbuttoning her shirt a little and revealing her Colleen one. Kenneth watches as his mouth slightly opened, he pressed his lips together and clenched his jaw, huffing as he leaned back in his seat, he knew this was going to be a long flight. —
— It was about 3 in the morning, and the two families were still on the plane. Most passengers were asleep, but Nala she was wide awake, typing away on her still slightly sticky computer. She was focusing on writing her book that she soon wanted to publish by the end of December. On the long flight, she tried to do as much as she could since she wanted to really emit herself on their Vacation to the resort. As much as she wanted to continue writing, she really needed this break of relaxation and couldn't wait until they landed. "Evening passengers, we are minutes away from landing, welcome to Cancun." That had waken up some of the passengers, as Kenneth had slowly opened his eyes he looked around. "What time is it?" He asked, stretching a little as Nala answered without looking at him. "3:15AM, we're landing soon." She said, sighing as she closed her laptop and shoved it into her bookbag. Eventually the plane had landed and everybody was tired and jet lagged at they exited the bus. "Oh, Mrs. Swayer, you are an absolute jewel." Mrs Grey, Kenneth's mother said to Nala's. "Oh gosh no." They both shared such a motherly laugh together, as Nala stood next to her mom. "Nala, this is Mrs. Grey. Mrs. Grey this is my daughter." Mrs Swayer said, and Nala smiled at her. "It's a pleasure Mrs. Grey." She said, and Mrs Grey smiled. "The pleasures all mine, you met my son earlier didn't you?" She said, pointing to Kenneth which made Nala's smile fade. "Sadly." She said, as she looked around, "I see the driver, I'm walking away." She said, holding onto her suitcase she retrieved as she walked to their driver holding a sign 'Swayer.' with her brother. "Did you like sitting next to that guy?" Matthew asked her, and she scrunched her nose. "No, I don't even know the kids name, so you all can stop gawking about him. And I pray he isn't staying at the same resort we are, I will loose my mind if I ever run into that man again." She said, smiling at the driver who grabbed their luggage and led it towards the car. "I'm sure they aren't, it was already a coincidence that they were on the same flight and in first class, and that he sat..right next to you, and that mom is now all giggly with his mom. At least dad and his dad aren't making dad jokes and playing football with each other." He said, and she nodded as she sat in the back seat. "Mom, dad, hurry up!" She shouted out from the window, as Mr Swayer sighed as he fist bumped Mr. Grey. "Oh shit." Matthew said, watching them as he sunk into his seat. Mrs Swayer ran to the car with a huge smile, "Nala, that handsome boy and his family are going to be at the same resort as is, his name is Kenneth, this is gonna be a great time for you to meet the one!" She said, and Nala's face turned red as Matthew rubbed the back of his neck. "I jinxed it." He said, and Nala glared at her mom. "Mom, I don't need a boyfriend, a husband, let alone a man. I just wanna focus on my writing and being pretty, I don't need that rude ass white man in my life earlier. Yes, he's charming but a charming man is never single, he probably has a girlfriend." She said, and her mother just shook her head. "Please just get in the car, and I pray that I don't hear another word of Kenneth this entire trip." She said, as she leaned back in her seat and rolled up the window. Eventually, they had gotten to the hotel that looked absolutely gorgeous at night. "Oh my gosh, it's so beautiful." Nala said, as she grabbed her suitcase from the back as staff who was standing outside ran towards her. "Ms. Swayer, you shouldn't be carrying your own bags." One of them said, and she just smiled gently. "I am a bit tired, if you could carry them it would be absolutely lovely." She said, holding her hands in front of her. The man nodded with a sweet smile, as he and the other men took some more and the rest of the families. Nala looked around as she saw Kenneth and his family in the distance, as she sighed. She wanted to avoid him as much as possible, and she didn't know if she was able to. She walked inside with her family as her mother immediately went to the Grey's, as Nala stood with her brother, Kenneth's little sister Anna had walked up to her. "Hi." She said, and Nala looked up at her slightly. "Hi." She said with a smile. "Please excuse my brothers behavior earlier, he was simply trying to tell you that you're absolutely gorgeous. He is very attracted to you, he was talking about you on the ride here." She said, turning the direction of Kenneth. Nala watched him get along with her dad, that made her glare at them slightly. "Well, your brother is quite charming himself, even though his attitude is a little salty." She said, and Anna smiled. "Yes, I don't know where he gets it from, normally he's pretty nice." She said, as she turned back to her. "I hope to see you around the resort." She scrunched her nose as she waved at her and Matthew before trotting back to her family. "Ms. Swayer, here is your room key." A staff member said, placing a golden key in her hand. "Thank you so much, I will see you guys in the morning, I'm gonna get some sleep." Nala said, waving at Matthew and kissing her mother and father's cheek. "What's your room number?" Mrs Grey asked Kenneth, and he answered. "526." He said, and Nala looked down at her key that said 527. She let out a loud groan as Matthew grinned. "Guess you guys are neighbors." He said, and Nala rubbed her temples. "God, this will only work as long as you just stay away from me, okay?" She said to Kenneth, as she turned around and walked towards the elevator. "Gosh, she's a bit fussy." Kenneth said, and Mrs. Swayer sighed. "Oh, Kenneth. I am so sorry about her attitude, she is so dramatic, it's not your fault you mistaken her as a younger person. She should be thanking you, everybody wants to look young." She said, running her hands through her curls. Kenneth smiled at her, "That's alright, Mrs. Swayer. I'm sure everything will be fine, I should catch up to her though. Goodnight." He said, and he blew his mother a kiss before he ran towards the elevator before it closed. Nala didn't try to look at him as the elevator was silent. "Look, Nala.." He whispered to her, and she didn't say anything. "I promise I'll stay out of your hair for the trip, okay? Once again, I'm sorry for mistaking you as a student, I know it was probably embarrassing for you and I'm sure you get it all the time." He said, as the elevator doors open they began to walk down the hallways. "Say something at least." He said, and Nala had stopped walking. "Apology forgiven, but just because I accept your apology doesn't mean we're friends, just because your parents are fond of my parents doesn't mean that we're friends, it doesn't mean that I have to be Buddy Buddy with you, and that definitely doesn't mean there's a chance of us being boyfriend and girlfriend." She said, unlocking her hotel room with her key and walking inside, slamming the door closed. He just stood there outside of her door, sighing as he went to his own room. —

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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