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~Czar's POV~

I waited until I saw Zariah drive off before heading back to my car. I pulled out my phone and dialed Anderi.

"What's wrong?" he asked as soon as he answered. 

"We have to find out what Annika is up to." I said as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"But you agreed that we should just leave he be." He said. 

"That was before I learned that Zariah was pregnant, and if Annika finds out there isn't no telling what she may do." 

"Wait, Zariah is pregnant." Anderi asked.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Yes, it is why she wanted to meet with me today."

"You don't really believe that Annika would ever hurt Zariah do you?"

"She killed her own mother, there is no telling what she may do."


I arrived home in a short amount of time. When I walked in the living room I found Lada and Anderi waiting for me.

"Have you guys been able to track her?" I asked.

"We have nothing, we can't even ping her cellphone. It's like she vanished." Lada said.

"She couldn't have just disappeared without leaving a trace behind, we need to figure out where she is and what happened to her." I said as I paced back and forth.

"You're right, but until then Zariah needs to be guarded  where is she now?" Anderi asked.

"She went home." I said.

Lada stared at me blankly. "You didn't send any men with her?!"

"Shit." I said as I grabbed my car keys off the table.


~Zariah's POV~

I walked in the front door as I sent my mom a text, asking her to pick me up McDonalds because have been craving. My dad was out with my mom and Isaiah was somewhere with his friends so I was home alone.

I hung my keys up on the key rack and slipped off my shoes before I walked to the bathroom, I felt as if I had been holding my pee in all day. As I sat down on the toilet I could hear faint footsteps in the hallway.

I got scared and glanced at the door to make sure it was locked. I pulled out my phone and texted Isaiah, to see if it was him or not.

Me: Hey, are you home?

Isaiah: No, why?

My heart rate quicken and with shaky hands I quickly wiped and pulled my pants up. I went to dial 911 but then a text from Czar appeared on my screen. 

Czar: Get out of the house now!

That was all I needed I turned to the bathroom window and unlocked it. Just then there was pounding on the bathroom door.

"Open up Zariah!" A voice shouted, I recognized it as Annika's.

I became crippled with fear as I pushed the window open, my whole frame shaking.

"You can't run from me Zariah!" She screamed. "I will finish what Liam started!" 

She began to kick the door in and I hurled myself up into the window. I hear the door slam open from behind me and Annika came running, she grabbed ahold of my leg and yanked me out of the window. I fell and hit my head hard on the floor I rolled over in pain, with a ringing in my ears .

"You crazy bitch." I spat as I held my head.

Annika looked down at me with an unreadable expression in her eyes. "You see, I was willing to leave town, never see any of you again. I was willing to just leave this all alone, but then....I saw you. I saw you at your doctors appointment, and when I discovered you were pregnant something just snapped in me. It's not fair!" She yelled. "Czar got it all, my father's approval, my mother's love and affection, and now he gets to have the family that I dreamed of having. He killed the love of my life."

"He was a fucking psychopath!" I yelled

"He loved me!" She yelled back.

"He used you." I argued. 

She shook her head slowly. "I should've did something, when you guys attacked him I should've helped him...god and seeing Alina....I never should have let you guys take her away from me again." 

"You aren't stable Annika." I said.

She pulled out a gun and aimed it at me. "Don't tell me what the hell I am!" She shouted.

I froze and put my hands up. My head was spinning and there was a ringing in my ears, I could hardly see straight. 

"Annika please....please." I pleaded.

"No, Czar can't have everything, and If I can't have my child, neither can you." 

She aimed it for my stomach and I screamed and rolled out of the way just as she pulled the trigger. The bullet grazed my back and I screamed out in pain, I quickly turned back around kicked her in the head. She fell backwards and I got to my feet to run.

"You fucking bitch!" She shouted.

I could hardly which way was which. My head was still spinning and my vision was starting to blur. I could feel the blood trickling down my back which stung terribly. I stumbled towards Isaiah's room which I knew had a tiny crawlspace. I slammed the door shut behind me before locking and heading into the closet. I squeezed my way into the tiny space that was hidden just behind his shoe rack.

"Come out now!" Annika shouted from the hallway as she banged on the door. "I know you're in there, you left a trail of blood behind." 

She laughed loudly and I became even more scared. She had become completely insane. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone to dial 911 again.

"911 what's you emergency"

"I need...I need" I could hardly get the words out.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to focus my vision.

"Ma'am, Ma'am are you there?" The operator asked.

'I need...."

"Come out Zariah!" Annika yelled once again as she banged harder on the door almost knocking it off of it's hinges. 

"Ma'am, are you able to tell us your location."

"It's 127 Spruce St-" 

The door was kicked open and I held my breathe, fighting to stay conscious as well. 

"Zariah?" A voice said and it sounded like...

"Czar?" I called out lowly.

I could hear his footsteps approaching but I couldn't stay alert anymore. My head dropped and I fell into darkness.


Yay, we love drama, can you believe that we have just three chapters left? Ayo, that chick Annika is crazy. I love you all and I loved writing this book but I am even more excited for the new book that I am working on. Don't forget to comment, vote, share and follow, until next time my lovelies. 

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