oh shit

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How do you casually say that you're plummeting down a 1000 foot chasm with your crush because a lying bitch pushed you off a cliff?

Oh, I guess like that.

Well in case you didn't notice Marinette and Adrien were surely to die. That bottom was looking closer with every passing second.

Also it didn't help that she was holding onto an unconscious Adrien.

Yeah... Mari was screwed.

She looked up and couldn't see the class at the top of the chasm but that didn't mean they couldn't see her. She looked back down and saw she was headed straight for a tree.

Simple I'll use the trees coverage and transform she thought.

So she did. With a small "Dammit" And a quick transformation she luckily saved both her and Adrien.

And not a minute too soon, for they had no time before they were plunged into the waterfall hidden beneath the trees foliage.

"Oh shit." She said and took a deep breath.
Adrien remembered nothing after Mari telling him that they committed suicide.

Even after his nice nap he really didn't enjoy waking up in cold ass water.

At least his father made him take swimming lessons as a kid. He quickly forced himself to the rivers surface.

He looked around and spotted no Mari. With a hurried gasp for air he swam back downward . Her now unconscious body now limp underwater. He swiftly grabbed her waist and swam her to the safety of the surface.

Seeing land just ahead he brought them both to the river bank.

"Mari! Mari wake up!" He quickly performed CPR in hopes she'd recover.

Luckily she did.

She rose and coughed up the water that filled her lungs.


"Oh, Mari! Thank the gods!" He exclaimed and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug.

She hugged him back and sighed. They then tore apart and sat back in relief.

How in the hell had this happened? They both wondered silently.

Mari recounted the earlier events in her head.

"Ah, fuck. Adrien...how the hell do we get back to the hotel?"


"We were led this way. We don't know anything about the island and seeing as we fell 1000 ft, they surely think we're dead."

Adrien thought about her logic and sighed.

"Well, fuck. You're right."

He stood up and held his hand out. She looked up at him in question but grabbed his outstretched hand anyways.

" What do you suppose we do?" She asked him.

He looked back at her. "Walk around the island, try to find the hotel, and try not to die?"

She looked at the ground.

We don't have any other options...

Looking back at him she shrugged. "It's not like we have any other ideas."

She reached down and grabbed his hand. With one last look at each other they began their descent into the forest surrounding them.

If nothing else they would at least have each other in this hellish journey. They'd make sure of that.


Hi so I'm back...

After finally getting the motivation to make the sequel I posted this. I hope you don't think it's too terrible. It's only half of my normal update length. But when you finish reading this I hope you'll check out the last chapter of Love and Lies because I'm rewriting it.

Peace out until next time.

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