Chapter 24- Arguement

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School was normal.

We'd heard a few people talking about Ruth Whites running away from her house but soon the news died down as they found new things to gossip about.

Charlotte was relieved for that.

She wasn't talking much to us, probably still upset about her bracelet.

When I had told her about what Celine had said to me, Charlotte was not surprised even the slightest.

Liam had promised to get her bracelet fixed very soon and Charlotte was grateful to him for that.

Talking about Liam and Charlotte, they had grown close over the past few days and I couldn't have been happier.

He had even played guitar for Charlotte this other day and everybody was cheering for the both of them.

Today was Zack's basketball match and he was really excited for that.

He's been eating my head, telling me how hyped up he was for the match.

As I was standing by my locker, putting inside some books, he approached me.

"Hey Jeny." He smirked and put his arm around my shoulder, startling me.

"Hey Zacky." I said and shrugged his arm off my shoulder.

"You are coming to my match, right?"

"I think I won't be able to." I lied.

Let's have some fun with him 'cause, why not?

"What? Why?" He frowned.

"I have a few doubts about this one topic in history that I need to ask from Mr. Peterson."

"Hey! I can help you with that!" Both Zack and I turned around to see Noah standing there.

What does he want?

"No need, thanks." I said in a cold tone.

Noah sighed and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Listen, Jennifer, I really have some things to clear off with you. Please, just listen to me once." He pleaded.

Before I could respond, Zack took an aggressive step towards him but I put my arm forward and stopped him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Uh.. Can we talk somewhere alone?"

"No." Both Zack and I said together.

"Oh Okay. Well.." he looked into my eyes. "You probably must have been thinking that I was just talking to you to get close to Ashley, right?"


"Not thinking, that is why you were talking to me."

"No, that's not true at all. Uh.... Jennifer, I-I like you. I have, for a while now."

He what?!

"What?" Again, Zack and I said at the same time.

"Yes.. Um.. I didn't really knew how to approach you, so I offered to help you with that history test... But you assumed that I was talking to you to get close to Ashley but that wasn't true. Jennifer, I just needed a reason to talk to you."

"So why did you ask me to hang out with you and Ashley that day in the coffee shop?"

"That just came out of my mouth. Like I said, I needed a reason to be close to you but I guess I was really dumb and messed things up."

What in the world? He likes me? He wanted to be close to me?

Who cares? You like Damien anyways-

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