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    Kacey and Mia, who were riding on their horses to Mia's house, have recently finished a race. Mia came in first of course, but Kacey was very close behind. "You're very savvy with horses, Mia. Could you teach me some more next time?" Kacey asked. "Uh..sure. That'll be cool." Mia replied. They got off of the horses as they reached Mia's cabin, also known as her animal sanctuary, beside her house. "We can ride back to town with my camper, come." They entered the camper, and Mia sat on the driver seat as Kacey at in the passenger seat. So far, Kacey's secret was well hidden, but the biggest issue was that the girls seemed so tied together like sisters, it feels like it's impossible to break their friendship apart so Carter won't have to deal with them ruining his plans. She tried coming up with lies about them behind their back, but it didn't work the slightest. HeartLake City is way too perfect, and those girls just makes it worse. Maybe she will have to find anyway to avoid them to find out what he's up to, and make them focus on her lies she will spread more about them. At the city, Mia and Kasey left the camper near the art district. The group of girls came up to them. "Hi, Mia!" Said Stephanie. "Hey guys." Mia replied. Quietly, Kacey walked across the street, and sat on a pink chair, with a smirk on her face. "Everything is going according to plan." She said. Carter, who was sitting next to her while pretending to read a newspaper, grinning. He placed the newspaper down and took a sip out of his gold teacup. Feeling relaxed after finally knowing the girls won't get in his way for a while.

  The next day, Kacey took a walk to try a burger at the diner near the go kart track the girls had suggested. Walking through the door, she saw a couple of customers in their seats. Dean walked up to Kacey with a bright smile. "You must be new here. I've never seen you before." He said, with a welcoming smile. "Yep. I've moved here more than a week ago." Kacey said. "Well, what would you like to order? We've got burgers, chilly cheese fries, and many more." Dean brought out his paper and notebook. Ready to write down her order. "I would just have a burger with a soda, please. Thanks." She found a seat near the window for herself and waited for her food. Kacey looked up as the bell on the door ring, and felt her mouth drop. It was a girl with red and black hair, wearing a red jacket, a yellow shirt, and jeans. Her eyes felt glued to her as she saw her took a seat near the counter. "I would like the usual, please." She ordered. Dottie Ray got a plate of chili cheese fries and a soda on the counter in front of her. Kacey felt her face began to grow red hot. Before she could get up to talk with her, Dean walked up and placed her food on the table. "Here you go...um..you doing okay?" He asked. Kacey stammered as she tried to speak. "Um..yeah...who is that over there?" She pointed to the same girl who was eating her chilly cheese fries with a fork. "Oh. She's Vicky. Used to be one of the best go kart racers out here. Until she was beaten. It was the best race I've ever seen if you ask me." Kacey looked down, trying to hide her smile. She got up and walked towards her. She felt her heart beat faster as she got closer to her. "Um..hey." She said. With a small wave. Vicky turned around and gave a small smile. "Oh! What's up?" Kacey hid her hands behind her back and giggled nervously. "So..I've heard that you used to be the greatest go kart racer. I'm new here. Name is Kacey." Vicky grinned. "Well hello, Kacey. And yes, I've used to be the best out there. But, now I've gotten good at singing." Kacey didn't know what to say next, until she thought of something brilliant to try. "Well I know you might be a little busy right now, but do you think we can have a one versus one at the go kart track? Mostly for fun. But would love a challenge." She asked. Kacey laughed. "A one-v-one? With me? Cute." Kacey felt her whole body burn with embarrassment and excitement. Did she just say that was cute?  As Vicky finished her last bite on her chili cheese fries, Dottie Ray took her plate to clean. She got off of her chair and picked up her soda. "Just meet me here by tomorrow at 3:00."  Vicky said as she bit her lip and left the diner. Kacey felt butterflies in her stomach. She sat back down at her seat and began to eat her lunch.

    For the rest of the day, she tried to focus on spoiling the girls plan to stop Carter and report it to him, but Vicky was stuck in her mind. As if she was a curse, or rather a blessing. She felt like at some point, she would forget about working with Carter and let all of her attention fall on Vicky. She really couldn't wait on racing with her tomorrow. Currently, she was now sitting on the floor with the girls that were watching TV in the friendship house. Except that Andrea was on her computer. It was bedtime by the time the movie was over, and the girls pulled their sleeping bags on the floor. Kacey had to use just a pillow and a blanket, but she was okay with it. But the girls beauty sleep were way ahead of hers. Kacey couldn't stop thinking about racing with Vicky tomorrow, and she might get a chance to do more things than just a race with her.

   Kacey quickly walked to the parking lot of the diner. It was 2:55. So she could be hear any second. "Hey there." She jumped as she heard someone call her from behind and turned around. Vicky walked towards her and smiled. "You're really interested in doing this, are you?" She asked. Kacey blushed. "Yep. It's my first time, so I expect it to be the best." Vicky grinned. "We'll see."
At the go kart track, Vicky drove to the start line with her usual kart she always races with. While Kacey got a basic black and white cart. She tried to drive at the starting line, but her ability to handle her driving was a little clumsy. "We'll make this race one lap, since you're a noobie." Vicky said. Dead, who was standing outside of the track near them, was raising a flag, and was starting to count. "Ready..set..GO!" Kacey immediately started off with speed,but Vicky went way much faster. Kacey found it hard to control her cart, and the harder she tried avoiding any crashes, she slower she went. Halfway at the finish, she found herself getting closer to Vicky, but everytime she made a turn, she found herself falling farther behind her. She was definitely going to lose. As they made a final turn that lead them straight ahead to the finish line, Kacey saw her chance and pushed down hard at full speed ahead. But, since Vicky was too far ahead of her, she made it at the finish first. She tried to slow down in time when she reach the finish line, but it was too hard to control. She yelped as the kart spun around in many circles, and finally came to a stop, leaving black tire marks on the track. Vicky, grinned as she walked to Kacey, "Not bad for a noobie." She unbuckled from her seat and stood up. "Thanks, controlling the kart is much more difficult than it looks." She said. "And, I've had a lot of fun but, since you're gonna be busy and all I'm just gonna leave and-" Kacey stopped as Vicky held her hand.  "No need. I would be interested of spending more time with you." She said. Kacey felt her heart beat rapidly. "U-um, yeah..that'll be nice.". 

They stopped at the diner at got the same meal together, chili cheese and fries. They say at the counter together,laughing and having a good time. "So, you might not like this question much," Kacey said. "But who did beat you at the race?" Vicky smiled. "Her name was Mia." Kacey was surprised. "You mean the girl who has four friends with her she hangs out with a lot? I've met her." "Yep. Her brother Daniel was also good at kart racing. But honestly, if you practice some more, you might be able to beat her. Just might. And beat me." Vicky said. "W-What? I don't think I would ever end up beating you. You're so..so.." Kacey began to blush again. "Go on.." Vicky said, with a smirk. Kacey sighed. "I don't know..you're just different than everyone I've seen around here..and I like it." Vicky raised a brow. "Wait. No! I mean..Ugh..I'm sorry." Kacey felt embarrassed for saying such things. "Nah. It's cool, in fact." Vicky leaned in towards Kacey ear. "I like you, too."  Kacey didn't expect her day to go like this. But it wasn't something she hated or something unpleasant. She enjoyed it. She began to stammer, her tongue having trouble finding words. Vicky laughed.  "I gotta admit, I've noticed every single time you blushed at me. It's very cute." She said. Kacey looked around, seeing a couple of eyes staring at them. "Um..do you think we could maybe..go somewhere more..private?" Vicky laughed. "Woah..really now?" Kacey gasped, realizing what she just said. "No! I mean...it's just that our conversation is actually catching some peoples attention to us. I didn't mean it like that..unless.." Vicky got off of her chair. "Come on." She urged. Kacey felt her face become red hot again as she followed her outside, they walked behind the diner, and behind a tree surrounded by bushes. Vicky sat down, leaning her back against the tree. Kacey sat down beside her, moving a piece of her hair behind her ear on the side of her face. "Are you sure no one is going to come by here?" Kacey nervously asked. "Of course. But for now.." Vicky grabbed Kacey by her waist, and pulled her on her lap. "Let's focus on us right now."  Before Kacey could have anytime to react, Bicky brought their faces together and kissed. Kacey have never felt anything like this in her life, but she loved it. As their Vicky brought their heads back, Kacey smiled, and laid her hands on Vicky's shoulders. "I'm glad you feel the same way. The first time I saw you I never thought we would end up like this, so I was very nervous to talk to you when we first met." Kacey said. Vicky grinned. "Yeah, I kind of noticed by the way you were approaching me yesterday, I found it very cute though." She flirted. Kacey giggled and made their lips touch each other again, this moment was never going to be forgotten.

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