♡ Are you going to hold my hand or what? ♡

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I stare into his flushed cheeks and ponder on why his face does actually turn such a shade of bright pink, I think back on what I had just asked him. "So like do you wanna hold my hand"

Fritz eyes dart across the room, then he stops to stare into my eyes. He opens his mouth as if about to declare something but then falters and goes back to just looking around the room avoiding eye contact, I stare into his bright blue eyes almost neon but still radiating a calm tone and he stares into mine as if they were glowing paranormally. He then again tries to respond but becomes too flustered and turns a brighter shade of pink I didn't think was even possible.

I give up hope and start to ponder on how to begin conversation again before he grabs my hand and holds it up to his face examining it. I open my mouth to question but I find myself unable to speak, so instead I stare him in the eyes. Him not looking back at me because he's too focused on my hand, he then moves his other arm so he's clasping my hand in both of his.

I can feel my face flush a light pink but I definitely know it's not as bright as his. I manage to give a crooked grin while taking my other hand and scratching the back of my neck. I shut my eyes as to adjust to the fading red of his face, Fritz looks up realizing my grin. His eyes widen as he realizes what he's doing and throws his hands into the air giving up the grip of out intertwined fingers, this would have been an effective way to get himself off of me if I had realized how tightly I was too holding onto his hand.

the force of him pulling back knocks me forward pushing our faces uncomfortably close, our noses practically touching. It takes me a solid minute to realize what had just happened as I open my eyes that were shut tight as if to brace for impact, I realize we are kissing.

His hazel locks pushing up against my face I should be able to see his bright blue eyes but I realize he has them shut tight as if scared, no as if he were enjoying it, I pull him closer assuming it's what he wanted based off of the emotion and start to close mine but not before his eyes jolt awake and he pushes himself off of me. He manages to turn a brighter shade of red than before, seriously this is getting paranormal.

I find myself searching frantically for something to say before I notice Fritz hands covering his face in the dark room his panicked but beautiful blue eyes screaming for help, I step towards him my hands pulling his away from his eyes, roughly grasping his hair. Our fingers intertwine and he looks me desperately into the eyes.
"It's ok, I love you"

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