Chapter 1

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I didn't write this story.
I found it on Archive of Our Own, the writer is listed as

I know it sounds cheesy, I thought so also. I put off reading it because of this. It turned out to be a very good story, give it a chance!

Chapter 1

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a mighty sailing woman,
The skipper brave and sure.
Five passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour.

The weather started getting rough,
The tiny ship was tossed,
If not for the courage of the fearless crew
The Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost.

The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle…

Callie Torres was hot. Extremely hot. She stood on the bow of her luxury yacht as the sun demonstrated its ever present dominance over all things terrestrial, or at least over all things Miami. The bead of sweat that trickled from her hairline was stopped in its track by a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. She glanced at her watch to note the time before she made her way to the bridge. Her first mate, Cristina Yang was on the bridge making last minute calculations and adjustments for weather.

“Yang,” Callie greeted as she entered the air conditioned bridge. “Oh god… it feels good in here. I can’t believe how hot it is out there, even for Florida.”

Cristina looked up from her work, “Yeah, it’s this stupid weather system. I’m not sure we should take this next tour Callie, this low pressure system is wreaking havoc on my navigation.”

“We have to, Cris. We need the payday. I love this yacht. You know it’s my whole life now… I can’t lose it.”

“I know, I know, but… look at the radar,” Cristina implored.

Callie leaned over the console watching the weather system that was raging. “It’s way south of where we are headed. The only way that storm hits us is if it makes a drastic turn north. And you’ll keep watch, right? If the storm changes course, you know what to do… you are a meteorologist and a badass navigator.”

“I know… I really am brilliant, but that’s why I’m worried. This storm is unpredictable,” Cristina urged.

“Come on, The S.S. Minnow is the fastest boat in the marina. We can outrun anything that weather system throws at us… and besides it’s only a three hour tour. We drop them on the island and return to pick them up in a few days.”

“You’re the Captain, Cal,” Cristina sighed. “But I’m bailing at the first sign of trouble.”

“There won’t be any trouble,” Callie laughed. “And… I wouldn’t expect anything less. You are an excellent first mate.”

“Who are these people anyway?”

“Some rich neurosurgeon and his vapid rich wife and a bunch of their stupid rich friends.”

“Aw, Skipper, are you jealous?” Cristina teased. “You miss the high life?”

“Of course I do Yang, I’m barely keeping my head above water since Daddy cut me off. I’ve earned the right to be a resentful bitch toward the rich.”

“Yeah, but now those rich people pay your bills. You have to be nice.”

“Only to their face,” Callie chuckled. She grabbed the tablet that had her passenger list on it. “Ok, let’s see… um, oh… here it is. Derek Christopher Shepherd III and his wife…”

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