the boy in the next street .11

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Ivory's father had left yet again saying 'it's was to hard' Susan was left broken again Ivory noticed how sad her mother was they both moved near Ivory school so it was easy to work to and forth. Ivory hadn't been to school for a week, barely texting her friends Blaire and Jake had become worried for their beloved friend as soon as Ivory was getting the education she needed her father would leave and make her feel awful inside.

When Ivory had appeared at school in the next week everyone was happy that she had been back giving her attention and hugs. Blaire had texted her in class letting her know that he was happy she was back, they texted between classes and planned to hangout at lunches which they did. Ivory had started to like Blaire she didn't mind it though, yes he was older but he was nice, and kind.

"I like you blaire" texted Ivory when she had gotten home. "wanna go out?" blaire had asked. Ivory thought about it for a while "yes 100% yes" Ivory thought she wanted blaire more than she wanted Jake. less then a week later they had made it offical by putting each others name on their instargam and telling people about their relationship. shortly after Ivory and Blaire discovered that they lived one street away from each other. Occasionally Jake would take Ivory home making sure she would be home safe, but after a few weeks later Blaire had found out that Jake would walk her home every day and that he still liked her.

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