[16] Bitter truth

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Susheela pov,

After eons i finally slept peacefully last night. In his arms!

After he left i was roaming restless in my room. I don't why but i was getting a bad vibe. Like something bad is going to happen. Like i might never be able to see him again.

I was busy in this thoughts when a ring on the telephone brought me back to the world.


"Hello di!"

"Neil! Where are you? Do you even know how tense i am?"

"Di listen to me carefully. I am in Rohtak. He ...he kidnaped me"

"Who? Who kidn-

"Pramod Chautala" Saying this he diconnected the call.

"hello- hel- Neil are you there-

"What happened Susheela?" I turned back hearing a familiar voice.

"Vishal.... Ne...Neil just called me. He said he is Rohtak"

"What? " He was shocked too "he told me that he was going to Lucknow"

"I don't know. He was very scared. I think we should go and find him" i request him

"Definitely. His safety is my responsibility. Lets go to Rohtak."

After a quick packing i sat beside Vishal in his car.

"Did he told anything about where is he? Any clue?" Vishal asked as he started to drive but all this time my mind was blank. The only words echoing in my ears was Neil saying Pramod kidnapped him.

"We will find him soon okay" I remember Pramod saying this. He knew all. He knew everything but still-



"Do you have any idea exactly where he is?"

"I don't know. He told he was kidnapped by...


"Pramod Chautala" i said without any emotions. All this time i was alone and now when i finally got a brother, that too was snatch from me.

The journey was long, tiering but my thoughts were making me more sick. Pramod's thought was making me weak. I loved him, i actually did then why did he has to do it!

"Susheela we are here " I heard Vishal calling me

We both headed towards a hotel as it was already evening. He said he will start his search from tomorrow.

Taking a heavy heart i laid straight on my bed .

What did i do?

What happened to me?

I was living happily with my family but that one night changed my whole life. I don't know where my parents are. Are they alive or-

Taking a deep sigh i closed my eyes.


The next morning Vishal told me that he was to search Neil. I asked him to take me too but he didn't agreed.

I was waiting the whole day inside my room restless. I look at my phone and saw 60 missed calls but was not in a mood to talk to him. Neither even to listen to his voice.

A few minutes later i got a call from Vishal and i rushed to meet him at the located he sent me.


"Neil!" I shouted his name as soon as i entered into an old garage .

He was kept there tied into a chair. He has many wounds all over his body. I carefully untied him and patted his cheeks.

"Neil" i call him and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Di... Di why did you came here? He will kill you too!"

"Neil get up and lets go from here. We are safe here. Vishal is bringing his force soon. Get up-   suddenly he started laughing

"Vishal! Oh my god! Di even he cheated on us!"

"What are you saying?" I asked in confusion.

"Di... you remember Kartik?" How can i forget him. That man made my life hell.


"He was my brother! " i gasped at this. How can this be possible. Even for once i had a thought that Neil might be related with Kartik being his brother?

"Di-" he stood up from my lap and sat straight leaning against the wall.

"Di i know everything he did and i am really really guilty for all that. I never thought my brother can do such dirty crimes. He too ashamed of this di. He was going to meet you and to seek forgiveness. He loved you truly then why he killed him. He was guilty, he was ready to bare any punishment but not death. He should be given a chance right?"

"What are you saying?  Who killed Kartik?"

"Pramod .... Pramod Chautala killed him. He killed my brother" tears rolled down my cheeks. Why did he hide this all from me?

"Di.. he even appointed a man behind you when you went to Rishikesh. And and.. that Ashok- You remember that i call you?" i nodded

"That whole scene was planned by Pramod to gain your trust"

"But Vishal said... that he died. He was shot by bullets"

"Vishal" he cluckled "he too cheated us. He knew everything. He was just using us for his revenge from Pramod."

"What revenge?"

"Let me tell you!"




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