The beginning

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The war between Cale borrow a.k.a White Star has ended.The Roan Kingdom was the most popular among the other kingdom's.Cale and his group was leaving peacefully as Cale wants.That's what he thought at first.

But, suddenly it become quiet.How quiet you might ask? Quiet like the world stopped.This weird feeling wasn't the best for anyone.This could be the end of the world?Mybe all world"

There is rankings between worlds

OC's are made by the creator,while the  story of the OC's was made by the writer.

The meaning of  guardians aren't like guardian angel.There are multiple type's of guardian,

-Guardian that take care of worlds between other worlds

-Guardian who will backup the accident that wasn't supposed to happen in the worlds

-Guardian who.. erase people's memories to restart they're journey again


-Guardian who kills other guardian that betrayed the deal.

Deal? What deal? That deal won't be explained in this chapter, enough of the guardians,let's go back to the ranking.

The second powerful person who have the ability to destroy people or create people.Like other creator that can make different AU/worlds.

And lastly,

Writer is the most powerful person.If there is no writer, no story,no journey for the OC's,Writer and creator have a friendly atmosphere between them,while the creator and the guardians aren't so friendly together.

Interested in this journey?then,keep on reading dear readers~


Idk I'm not sure about this yet but! I need to be confident of this story..I like the storyline so- I'll continue this story even tho it won't be that popular like The Red Dragon story <3

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