|Sad and Lie|

330 28 0

You are too afraid to tell him, what you want!!

"Did he actually agreed to this?" Mr.Park exclaimed and his Mother wiped her husband's lips who just finished his breakfast , "Is he truely agreed? Why I felt like forcing?" Granny said.

"We never force Chim to do anything before, and about yesterday, I hope he truely agrees to thisㅡ with his full hearted" Grandpa said as he leaned on his fluffy chair specifically made for him.

"He didn't wakeup and it's unusual,  it's 9 in the Morning" GrandMa says, "He never skipped breakfast too" the old Man added, "I try wake him, but he was sleeping so peacefully, that I can't get heart to wake him" Granny said sadly,

"I'm gonna check him" Mr.park said while stoodup but interrupted by a calling bell.

"Let me check"

"No, Mother. I'll check it" Mr.Park said he  stepped to opened the door, got astonished with a two person who is unusually visited his house.



"So, this is your fucking story about how you fuckedwith that fucking girls, creepy" Hoseok said as he launched on the fluffy bed, as Taehyung glared at Jungkook from where he started the story of how he got home yesterday and ended up caught by their parents. There are all in Jungkook's long, luxurious bed, discussing nothing but Jungkook's stupidity.


"Jungkook, you better apologise to Uncle Jeon or I'm gonna tell all your story to him" Hoseok and Jungkook both syncing of Taehyung's habit of threatening words.

Taehyung glared both while controlling his anger, "We both knew you never ever gonna do that," Hoseok said as he grabbed Taehyung and pulled on the bed, but he withdraws his hold.

"All I want is you to be get settled, get a good degree, get a job" Taehyung ordered, as he rolled his eyesㅡ"You probably started to hate me, for me behaviour like your father" he said in low tune and looked down.

Hosoek and Jungkook shared glance, but Hoseok raised his eyebrows at Jungkook who made his lover sad, Jungkook blinked and stoodup to hug him, "No, Tae I'm not gonna hate. Oh come on, You are my Best friend."he hugged him dearly, but still Taehyung pouting at him.

"Listen, okie.. I'm gonna do whatever you says, I promise.." Jungkook said and assured him,

"You're lying"

"Nope, Promise on our 21 years of friendship"

"Listen to Mr.Jeon...that's enough for me.." Taehyung hugged him back, and Jungkook who was facing Hoseok winked at him. Hoseok throws his slippers at him.


"Sorry to disturb you at this early Morning. Uh, this is My wife, Hye shin" Mr.Jeon said as Mr.Park still surprised of them, "We are here to Meet your father, since he discharged from the hospital ㅡ I've been thinking to visit him again along with wife" he added as Both smiled to eachother.

"Oh" Mr.park got jump to reality,  immediately bowed at them and welcomed them on his living room.

"Mother, fatherㅡMr.Jeon is here to meet you " Mr.park called them as both exited the room, The old Man slowly sat on the sofa as the Old lady followed him.

Mrs.Jeon looked around the home, it just simple ,tiny and clean home. "This house is cute" she whispered at his husband.

"Here, I bought for you" Mr.Jeon said and gave the fruits and ealthy drinks to him, "Oh son, you no need to do this," The old Man took it from him.

"Wait, let me give Tea for you" the old lady said, and stoodup to the kitchen and Mrs.Jeon followed her to help.

"Are you the one who is cooking here?" she asked as she scanning the kitchen which is total neat and  good smells of pancake.

"Yes dear, sometimes it's hard for me to hold the glass cups since I'm getting old. But My grandson always help me. Whenever he home, our home is always filled with laughter" she said and added two cups of Tea for them.

"That's so sweet of him" Mrs.Jeon said and sips the Tea. "Yeah he is sweet indeed" The old lady smiled at her.

They both moved from kitchen to living room, "Here" she said and Mr.Jeon took the Tea from her.

"It's just suggestion, I know it's hard for you to cook. We really like help with this...uh we had a great chief at our house." Mrs.Jeon nervously said, Mr.park looked at his Mother.

"No, it's  justㅡ" the old lady try to reject,

"No no, we will send him from today itself. It's so hard for her to cook, now we should careful about father's health too. Don't worry about his salary, we will take care of it." Mr.Jeon added.

"No no, You don't have to do more...your visiting is enough for us and Now helping is little bitㅡ"

"Mr.Park please accept it. We really glad to help you with this...please" Mrs.Jeon said pleased with her eyes. Mr.park really can't ignore it as he nodded.

"Where is Jimin?" Mr.Jeon asked them as Mrs.Jeon who eagerly looked around.

"Let me call him" The old lady giggled and stoodup to check Jimin's closed door.


"Hoseokie~" Susan and Mary both cutely called and runned to him, "My chucky doliee" he hugged them cutely, because of height difference, beside Taehyung who smiled behind them. They are just leaving the Jeon mansion after visiting his friend, Jungkook.

They've been known for eachother. They both like siblings. "Here" Susan gave the small gift for him.

Hoseok eagerly opened it and it was a  yellow flower printed shirt which is made by hands "OMG, Susan this is too good. Let me wear it" Hoseok immediately throws his already weared shirt and puts the new one.

"What about me?"  Taehyung asked them, as Mary gave the another gift to him. It was same shirt like Hoseok. "Since you guys are lovers , we both made couple shirts for you" Mary said as both smiled at eachother. "Awww" Hoseok pats their heads.

"You guys!! never make us disappointed with your  gifts.. this is so cute" Taehyung hugged himself. They both sisters bowed at them.

"What about Jungkook? Did you guy made for him too?" Hosoek asked as the both twins smile dropped, instantly.

"He never cares" Mary mumbled, "We stopped doing for him" Susan added. "He hate us"

Talk of the devil, Jungkook came from his room. "Are we leaving?" Jungkook asked without bothering the twin's existence.

"Jungkookㅡ Susan and Mary-" Taehyung was trying to say something but Jungkook leaved them.

"It's okie Tae, we get used to this.. we made 50 of the shirts for him. Our first try is only for our Brother. But he hate us" Susan said, "You guys better leave.. we will see you" Mary said as the both twins went to their room.

"Can I just punch him and throws to the wolf?" Hosoek controlled his anger on Jungkook.

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