Chapter One And Two.

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Chapter one: Purpled is best boi, not click bait.

Tommy hated being in this place. The loud noises, the flashing lights, the murder of crows. Wait, crows. That was never there before. Tommy cocked his head to the right, his long hair following in the action.

Tommy remembered this place a lot, it reminded him of a lot too. The blond lifted his arm to attract the attention of the crows. A crow, its eyes were purple. Was that even possible? The crow hopped on the teens arm.

Pecking it slightly.

Tommy just watched, not moving, nor was he making a noise.

The crow followed suit, just watching the blond. Tommy sighed, he knew he would never win a staring contest with a bird. Tommy, carefully, placed his hand under the bird to lift it up. Then he placed it beside him.

Watching as the police car drags a person with handcuffs outside, the person yelling on the top of his lungs to be let go. But the person never was. An ambulance, it quickly brings in two people, a couple, into the ambulance.

Tommy knew it was too late for them.

Tommy knew it was all his fault.

Tommy knew.

Tommy knew because he was there.


Tommy woke up with a gasp. His chest hurting with adrenaline, he knew how to calm himself easily when he was like this. He knew how to make himself breath.

Take a deep breath.

And Tommy did. Using his hand and placing it on his chest to feel his chest take a deep breath.

Now through the nose, exhale.

Tommy sighed as he slowed his breathing. He knew he still had long to go before he could stop these breathing exercises every time he woke up.

Good job Tommy, you’re making progress

Was he really though? A thought that was always in his mind. Tommy looked beside him. His phone was still going off. Shit. Tommy picked it up. He looked at the time, it was 5:40.

Fuck, school.

His bus arrived at 6:20. He had like 40 more minutes. He needed to hurry.

And so Tommy did hurry, he ran to the shower and took a quick bath before tying his hair into a ponytail. His hair wasn’t as long as his brothers, nor was it as short as his hair was when he was younger.

Tommy liked his hair longer now, he liked the way his older brothers would tie it up for him and redo it until it was a perfect tie. He loved how his father would wash it carefully to not hurt him. He loved how he could play with it when he got anxious.

And he-


Shit. School. Tommy quickly ran out of the room. Finding his uncle sketching on his notepad.

“SAM!” Tommy went over and hugged his uncle, Sam. A high classed architect and engineer. Mostly known to be famous for building high class prisons and his advanced technology. Sam was also know to be the worlds best fuckin’ uncle out there.

Kind and patient, like his dad. They were both siblings after all. Sam, he was a cool uncle. And Sam lived with Tommy most of the time. While his siblings were in college, and while his dad was needing to do more work, Sam would stay with Tommy and do his work at home.

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