✨ Chapter-16✨

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She lift her head and saw that someone was hit by their car.

Both vansh and Riddima came out from the car to see who was the person.

It was

V-what the hell is this Ragini what are you doing here that too in front of my car.
He said in full anger

R-Vansh yeh yahan kya kar rahi hai yah jyada important nahi hai abhi hamen image jaldi se hospital pahunch jana padega dekhiae na kitna khoon bah raha hai inke leg se

(for now it is not important at what is she doing here the important thing now is to take her to the hospital see how much blood is coming from her leg)

V- you are right.

saying this one's to cry in his arm and kept her on the back seat ridhima also set at the back with Ragini As she was unconscious.

After almost 30 minutes they reach to the hospital.

In Hospital

Vansh and Riddima was standing outside and waiting for the doctor to come out.

After 15 minutes doctor came out and said  them to come to his cabin.

The both went into the doctor's cabin and their seats.

Dr.-see Mr Rai Singhania. Although it is a Police case but as I am your family doctor I am not calling any police.

R- thank you doctor.

Dr.- welcome but due to the car hit her leg her had got a fracture  Which would take almost 2 months to remove.

V- so what is the problem.

He said with a cold face

R- let him speak na.

Dr.-the problem is that there is a need to take full care of she must not give any pressure to her leg. You can inform it to her family members.

V-but family leaves in abroad.

Dr.- so I think you should take her with you to your house for 2 months.

V-what are you  crazy doctor I am not going to take this girl at my home that too for 2 months.

R-but once we have to take her to your house there is a need to take her care it was our fault.

V-it wasn't our mistake Riddima she was the one who came in front of our car.

R-whatever it is once but now we can't live her like this.

V- we can appoint a nurse for her in her house.

R-do you really think Al nurse will make a food for her??🙄

R-now don't say anything.
To docter-Dr we will take her to our house after she gets conscious.

Dr.-Yeah sure she will gain conscious in 10 minutes.

R- thank you doctor.

Saying this ridhima dragged vansh outside doctors cabin.

They both were sitting on the chair beside Ragini's bed.
After ten minutes she slowly started opening her eyes.

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