~Part 1~

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God, what a long flight. I spent the past several hours flying from Budapest to New York, but honestly I've missed being home. It's been so long. I've been gone for a few years cleaning up my father's mess in countries all over Europe before settling in Budapest for about a year doing some last finishing touches to his operations out there. But since I'm back I want to try my best to take a break, although that's going to be hard when your father is a mafia boss.

As I exit my jet, because yeah I'm rich, I see my car waiting for me on the runway. I hop in and see everything is basically how I left it, I then begin driving to the mansion. Upon arrival everything seems eerily quiet. When approaching the door, I pull out the gun I keep in the back of my waistband. I slowly open the door sticking the barrel of my gun in first before following suite. When I get inside I hear another gun being cocked, only to see the face of my brother behind it.


"Well this is one way to be greeted by my brother after being gone for several years." I say still keeping my gun raised.

"Put the guns down already." I hear Grant say as he walks into the room. Grant has always been like a brother to me, he's one of my father's lieutenants, after my brother and I of course. He walks over and pulls me into a tight hug.

"God, I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you more." I say pulling away from the hug only to be brought back into another from my brother.

"You know I could've shot you, you idiot."

"Missed you too Hunter." I say letting go of the hug.

"DAISY!!!!" I hear an all too familiar voice ring through the halls, before something slammed into my body.

"Wanda" I say turning around in her death grip of a hug, to place a gentle kiss on the top of her head. Wanda has always been like a younger sister to me even though she's 3 months older than me. But of course ruining the moment as per usual my brother coughs to get our attention.

"Daisy, there is someone I'd like you to meet."

"Who?" Just then I see a redhead walk in from the living room. Emerald green eyes burning deep into my eyes. The fiery red hair going down to just her shoulders, and those lips just the perfect shade of pink, and plump. My god she's perfect, but I have a reminder of her tattooed on me from years before. I tense slightly, but not enough for anyone to notice.

"Natasha Romanoff" she says, putting out her hand for me to shake, it's only then that I realize she's standing right in front of me.

"Daisy Johnson" I say, shaking her hand.

"Well I suppose we should let you settle in, your room is just how you left it. A mess." Grant teases as he walks by shoving me a little with his shoulder.

I head up to my room with Wanda practically on my tail, mainly because I've been gone for a few years, approximately 3, so she needs her best friend time. When we get up to my room we flop onto my bed. I have to admit Grant was right; they did leave my room exactly how I left it. My room still had clothes everywhere, some torn posters, and a broken picture frame. But I was pulled from the thoughts of the picture frame by Wanda speaking.

"You know you really gotta clean this room."

"Yeah I know, wanna help." I say teasing her.

"God no this is your mess. Plus I'm sorry about what happened before you left." She says turning on her side to look at me giving me a sympathetic look.

"It's alright that was three years ago, I've put it in the past. Now come on, help me clean up." I say getting to my feet pulling her up with me.

We cleaned up all the clothes and put them in my closet unfolded because I'm way too lazy to do that. We threw out all the posters, both ripped and not. Finally, I picked up the picture frame, but I really didn't want to think about it so I put it in my desk drawer. Just then there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." Wanda shouts.

"Uh, hey, Daisy, could I speak to you?" Of course it was Natasha.

"Yeah sure." I say inviting her in.

"Ok, uhm I'll get going see you later Daisy." Wanda says leaving my room and shutting the door.

"So, you're my brother's girlfriend." I say crossing my arms and raising an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, but-" She starts before I cut her off.

"But what, Natasha? There's nothing to talk about it was in the past. Clearly you've moved on and I have too. We're adults, there's nothing more that needs to be said."

"You know I missed the past."

"Do you because you walked out on me, now look at you you're dating my brother. Like I said there's nothing more that needs to be said."

"I'm sorry..." She whispers causing me to almost miss it.

"What was that?"

"I'm sorry I walked out on you."

"Are you?" I ask, feeling the memories starting to come back.

"And I've regretted that moment ever since."

"I'm sure you have Natasha but I'm over whatever that was, now if you please I have places to be." I say making my way to my door. Before I can open the door however, I'm pinned against it, with one of her hands by my head while the other holds my waist. Her emerald orbs look deep into mine, before I can say anything about the position we're in her lips press against mine in a soft and tender kiss. I kiss her back before realizing that she's my brother's girlfriend, causing me to pull away.

"We can't. You're my brother's girlfriend, I can't do that to him."

"Maybe you're right. But you kissed me back, meaning you do want me."

"I don't want you Natasha, you're my brother's girlfriend."

"Tell me, if I wasn't with your brother would you have me?" She says brushing her lips against mine as she speaks. Instead of a verbal reply I mold our lips together in another kiss, filled with emotions I can't begin to explain.

"Is that a yes?" She asks, pulling away this time.

"What do you think?" I say opening the door and walking away. I go down to the training room to get in some training but also to clear my mind from what just happened.

So this is the first chapter and I have more written so that is coming enjoy My Brother's Girlfriend ~ A Natasha Romanoff Story!!! Damn why have I made 3 different stories that won't get updated that much, who cares. Hope you have a good day/night :)

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