My Girlfriend Dies and Came back as a fish girl

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My girlfriend died and came back as fish girl Part 21/22

After Henry has told Nancy everything she needed to know his mother asked for an apology bcz of the way she treated her . Henry receive a call from an unknown number .
🤳:I have your father!
Henry: what do u mean you have my father... who r u?
🤳: Just shut up and listen to me u r going to marry my daughter or your father is going to blow into peaces .
Henry:Mr Genaro listen to me do not harm my father plz I beg of u .
Henry's M: What is going on henry who is harming your father?
Henry:Mom Mr Genaro abducted dad his life is in danger.
Henry's M:(gets angry at takes the phone)listen here if my hubnd get a scratch I will not leave u!
Mr Genaro: don't make me laugh what r u gonna do huh?
Judy:(takes the phone and hung up)
Henry:what r u doing Judy why did u hang up the call ?
Judy:I know where he kept Your father Emily and his father r hiding together as I told u before no matter where they go I will see them as long as they come near water.
Henry's M:(crying 😭)plz find my hubnd dear bring him back home
Judy: don't worry Maa I will destroy both of them this time nothing will stop me .
Henry: Judy those two r very dangerous what if they set a trap for u
Judy:I will feel it when I walk into a trap mermaids senses danger relax .

Mr Genaro and her daughter are hiding in some place and they tied Henry's father on a chair pouring him with cold water to touture him.
Emily: let's just kill him once they come to rescue him before we kill everyone..
Mr Genaro:no I will make Henry see me killing his father and his love I will show him pain of seeing loved one cry .
Emily:I am sure that mermaid girl will come ...
Genaro: nobody knows where we r I just have to inform Henry to come alone sign marriage certificate and after that I kill his father infront of him.(Judy magically appeared)
Emily:(gets shocked)how did you find us?
Judy:u have made grave mistake now Judy your end has finally arrived.
Mr Genaro:you have made huge mistake by coming here you will now die with your father-in-law .(he takes out a gun and point towards her and Emily takes out hers too and point towards Henry's father )
Emily:you r powerful aren't u what r u gonna do if u move a bit I will blow his head .
Judy: Enough!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2022 ⏰

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My Girlfriend Dies and Came back as a fish girl (it's ep.21 I lost my old acc)Where stories live. Discover now