The call

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My phone rang loudly during the cold 4am night, thinking it was a emergency i got up quickly and took the call only to find out it was just my friend Carmen calling me blabbering and speaking words that i fully could not comprehend as i was litterally just half awake. 

" I GOT IN I GOT IN" were probrobly the only words i couldve understood well from what she said.

"W-wait wait slow down... what, what did you get into, is everything ok?" i said while yawning in between words. 

" IM MORE THAN OK, IM BEYOND ECXITED ACTUALLY!!!" she said practically screaming into my phone from the other end.

"I got into the nomination list for best music producer for the  the brio awards!!" she said as she calmed down a bit.

The brio awards were a big event for music artist all over the world to get a chance to win a amazing reward that refelcted greatly onto their music career. Every year it was like a one in a million chance to get in, so for Carmen to actually be able to get a nomination meant a big thing for her. 

"Wait.. THE THE BRIO AWARDS?!!!" you said as you fully awakened to the news.

"YES YES YES IM CRYING TEARS OF JOY!!" Carmen  said while practically sobbing on the other end.

"And guess what ..... I GET TO BRING A PLUS ONE, AND I WANT YOU TO COME!" Carmen said excitedly.

"I-really?! Ill be honored to come!!!" i said without even double thinking it.

"Oh my gosh, i cant wait!!! im going to go now and start preparing ,its in a few weeks so i have to start going over things right now, ill make sure to update you on everything k?" she said while hanging up the phone

I closed my phone and threw my back onto my bed processing everything that just went on and rethinking how my  best friend litterally got a nomination for the biggest award ever, and how it was such a happy momment for her. A smiled formed accross my  face knowing that ill  be there by her side hoping, no, seeing her win that award. As my  eyes started to get heavier they shut completely and went into a big snooze without the thought ever escaping my mind.

" im going to the brio awards..."

A few days had passed since the news and i just couldnt focus on anything but i knew i had to get my head straight, my finals were coming up and i could not afford messing that up, knowing how if i did not pass that, my grade would sink and there goes bye bye to my dream career.

 As  i was leaning my chair  back and continuously tapping my wooden pencil on the pile of notes i created to study, i noticed my schedule illustrated  that my final exam was to be taken on June 14th at 9:00 am, something seemed so familiar  about the date but  i just coudldnt think about what did, the attention of it just left my mind as i really  didint think too much of it. Rather than focussing on the date my mind focused its attention to my computer that was sitting on my   daisy like pillow.

"Wait, dont i need to look for a dress? I mean it is impotant to find a good dress for this ceremony so technicallly its pretty neccasssary "  i said to myself  as i slowly exited my chair trying not to feel guilty for continuing my studys.

About two weeks past and it was finals day, i  was extremally nervous but did my  best to stay calm inside..

"its ok y/n... i mean if you dont past this its not like your whole life is going to be over right?... right?..." i tried to convince myself that but my consious did not seem to agreee with me, as i was sweating bolts  in this hot weather and still stayed nervous despite the goodish reasurance.

Before entering the area i was going to do my exams in, i got a call;

"Heyyyyy its Carmen, i just wanted to know when you would be ready?''

" Well im not so ready for my exams if thats what you mean.." i chcukled nervously.

"What? No dummy, the awards, i wanted to know when you would be ready so i can pick you up?" she said in a confused tone.

I think my heart sunk then and there.

"The... awards...oh yeah.... haha.. totally um.. ill definetly be ready by noon haha yeah.." i said in a COMPLETELY unconfident way. 

Thinking back at my calander thats why the date seemed so similar, its because the brio awards were today, and i completely forgot.

" You sound unsure... dont tell me you forgot y/n.."  Carmen  said in a dissapointed tone.

"NO NO do nooooot worry whatsoeever, ill be ready by noon i promise, i cant wait!!" i said in a confident tone to not make her worry whatsoever while hanging up, i knew if she found out i somehow forgot she would definetly rip me to shreds.

Before i knew it the bell to the exams rung and i was in the room sitting at my regualr desk  with the paper in front of me.

Hours pasted and the finals were over...

" i think i did pretty good, i hope i did" i said to myself as  the exams finished and i handed in the paper to the teacher and practically dashed outside and onto the bus to go home and change into my rather pretty dress. 

What shocked me the most was that i was even ready before noon, and on time for Carmen to pick me up, and to be on scheduel for the brio awards.

When we arrived there, i could see the pile of celebritys lined up on the red carpet with paparazzi taking dozens a pictures a second of them. 

"wow i cant imagine what that feels like, must feel pretty cool" i said, while crpssing my arms and looking out affar. 

But  carmen she was as stif as a stick, i dont think one limb in her was moving, she was probrobly still in shock from just getting the email that she was a nominee. 

"is.. this real?I cant beleive this is actaully happening...please pinch me if  im dreaming" she said with a shocked expression.

" you did it carmen, you really did and im so proud of you!" i said while giving her the biggest bear hug ever.

Im pretty sure alot of people recognized her because before we knew it, paparazzi started swarming where we were, and she was being interviewed with five diffrent people, i couldnt be more proud than ever. 

As I  enetered the big theatre with a lit up stage and audiences members still finding there seats, a whild crowd caught my  eye, it seemed like somoene huge was coming in and were being surrounded by fans, or maybe more than someone...When the little crowd finally settled a bit I  saw seven  rather charming guys walking to there seats.

"Well  who are the big shots over there ?" i asked Carmen.

"oh them? OH i know them, their a kpop group, they have been huge these past 2 years, they are a group called Enhypen, i heard theyve broken so many records and are extremely talented, i think one day i would want to work with them, they look so cool...!" carmen explained with a hint of exitment.

"Seems like you know alot about them huh?" i asked, being a bit intriguied.

" oh yeah, all of them are really handsome and creative, they caught my eye right away, expecially the one with the jet black hair!!!!" she said with extent, as she pointed to the rather handsome, no, GORGEOUS guy sitting down. 

"Whats his name?" i asked.

"Nishimura Riki" Carmen said.

This is my new fanfic that ive decided to start, i hope you guys like it because i trust you it will be very interesting ;3


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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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