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A/N: To those of you who read this without reading the announcement I did a week or two ago about the timeline of Aot, I would like to take a tiny bit of your time to explain before we jump into the story.

A lot of people think that because of the stated year of 854, Attack on Titan takes place in the 800's. The technology of Paradis (although 100 years behind the rest of the world), does not fit. If you look at Marley's use of panzer units, this puts us in a WWII timeframe. So, 1940's is when the story actually takes place.

I get the confusion. The reason Paradis is in the 800's is not because it's the ninth century. We just established that based on the rest of the world's timekeeping. It is the 800's because Paradis reestablished their counting of time when Fritz erased everyone's memories. (Kind of like when Jesus died, we restarted our count of years) Make sense? I hope so! <3

The story takes place 30 years after the war. So, in effect, 1973. That gives Paradis 70 more years of peace before it is destroyed as shown in the manga. (Sorry if that's a spoiler) I wonder what Paradis was like in this time? We won't be visiting the former walled city in the present, rather an old man with a tea garden, living his sunset years with his loving wife Jasmine (Jazzy).

Welcome to the year 884 (1973 our time)......

**Italics are flashbacks**

The elderly man on the porch continues to rock idly in his chair, unmindful of the dapper gentleman coming up his walk. Seemingly unmindful that is, the elderly man is taking in everything. He may be old, but he's no fool.

City slicker, he thinks in disgust. The suit is immaculate, and bright, well-polished loafers stop a couple feet away. He still doesn't acknowledge the man, allowing him to think he's in the midst of a nap. He saw the car pull up, of course he did. He saw the man get out and he watched him all the way here.

The only thing that's stopping him from blasting a hole in the trespasser is curiosity. What could this dandy possibly want with an old fart like him?

"Sir? Neil Everly of the Berg Newspaper, Stohess. Might I have a word?"

No answer.


"I heard ya the first time. Walls! Think I'm deaf?" He fixes the reporter with a glare. The man from the newspaper clears his throat and tries again.

"I'm from the Stohess district newspaper. Do you perchance get our news out here?"

"If I wanted it, I would get it," the old man says with a scoff. "Never had much use for newshounds. Tell me what you want; awful nice sunshine for napping, and you're wasting it."

"And napping is all you'd do if you had your way, you old fool." The voice comes from the right, an energetic looking elderly lady, with a basket full of garden herbs over her arm. Her flowered dress has seen better days, but her smile is as radiant as that of a woman half her age and her step is as lively as well as she comes up the porch.

"I've been in that garden all day, woman! I've earned me a nap, don't say otherwise!" He gives her bottom a playful slap as she walks past, and she turns back with a wink.


"Thank you, ma'am," Neil answers and nods politely.

"Just Jazzy is fine." The screen door closes with a bang.

"Your wife?"

"Yep," the old man says with a soft smile. "Going on, let's see... the rumbling happened 854," he thinks for a moment, looking up at the sky with rheumy eyes. "28 years. Didn't get married til our 40's. Gave me a daughter and one grandchild out of the deal. I reckon you didn't come here to hear an old man get all sentimental though, did you, Neil is it?"

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