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4 years later,

A lady was sitting on a chair in the airport. A little girl came to her asked

"Mumma! Where are we going?"

"Awww my baby! We are going to visit your Nana- Nani. They misses you so much"

"I will play with them"

"Yes baby... but now come its time" Moving towards the departure the lady turned back to see the place where she spend the last four years of her live.

"Mumma" the little girl called her

"Where is he?"

"He is come soon baby" There was sadness in her face. She remembers him every minutes.

The little girl called her mother again "MUMMAAAA!" she pointed towards someone and the lady turned back.

"Papaa!" She went to a man and jumped on his arms

"How is my princess?" the man asked

"I am good dadda and you are late"

"i am so sorry princess i was in a meeting but now i will not leave you again. Now lets go."

"Again late" the lady complaint

"I am sorry love !"

"Pramod! you always do this"

"Sushi! Baby i am sorry please lets go now. And where is he?"


"I am here!" The trio turned back

"Mamu!" the little girl got down from Pramod's lap and went to the other man

"Hey my Piya baby! How are you?"

"i am good Neil Mamu"

"How are you di!" Neil asked Susheela.

"Excuse me i am also present here!" Pramod said playfully

"Whatever!" Neil said and went with Piya

"Pramod! He need some more time!"

"i know Sushi. Lets go"


In the flight Piya was sitting with Neil while Sumod were in the next row.

A few minutes later Pramod looked at his lady sleeping on his shoulder. He covered her properly when into the thought of that day when he met Neil.


Neil was on the way to Rohtak when someone kidnapped him.

"Leave me!" he shouted but no one payed any attention to him. The kidnappers took him to Pramod.

"you! You brought me here?" he yelled at Pramod

"hello Neil. Have a sit!"

"i will kill you Pramod. Leave me!"

"Don't waste my time Neil i have to you something important."

"I don't believe in you. Let me go!" He shouted

"Shut up and listen. I know Vishal told you that i killed Kartik and that is the only reason that you agreed to work with him. Even you didn't told this to Susheela"

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