Chapter One: Escape

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"I think I found my zodiac!" Mia squealed, tracing something in the night sky. Her younger sister, Cara frowned from where she was flopped on the grassy ground and muttered "I'm pretty sure you are borne on August 14th, not February 23rd so your zodiac is Leo not Pisces."

"Oh well, I think I found Gemini." Mia shrugged and pointed at the splash of stars against the blackened sky again. "Finally you got something right." Cara muttered affectionately, shaking her head. "It's a beautiful night, I'm sorry that Dawn isn't here to see it with us." Mia mused, fingering her charm bracelet on her right wrist.

"I'm sorry that Mom isn't here to see it with us." Cara contradicted. The siblings' mother was Fae, creatures borne with magical powers. Sadie, their mother wouldn't survive long on Earth, unlike Cara and Mia because they are half-human.

"Oh please, Dawn is more of a mother than Sadie ever was. At least Dawn never abandoned us before." Mia rolled her eyes. Cara huffed. "Mom won't survive on Earth. Would you rather be an orphan than knowing that your mother is living in a magical world praying to see you again?" She pointed out indignantly.

Mia didn't reply but it was answer enough for Cara. "I thought so." She smiled triumphantly. Cara looked up back at the sky again and ignored the fact that Mia is probably glaring at her again.

Finally she couldn't take it anymore and turned to her sister. Mia was watching her profile with peculiar expression on her face. Her black hair was spread out like a dark halo around her oval shaped face. Her dark blue eyes were narrowed with concentration.

"What?" Cara demanded, identical blue eyes also narrowing. "We're lucky." Mia whispered. Cara frowned, confused, waiting for her sister to elaborate. "We're lucky to have each other." She clarified before turning back to the night sky again.

Cara smiled. Mia is right. Even without their mentor, Dawn or their mother, Sadie, they are lucky to have each other because for now, that's all they will ever need.


"They're being sentimental again." Dawn muttered to herself, gazing intently into the seeing glass, a wistful smile on her lips. "Who's being sentimental again? Ever since my mother gave you that seeing glass, you've been spending days and nights on that thing." Dawn's hazel green eyes shot up to meet quizzical but amused blue ones.

"You know, it's really unhealthy to spend so much of your magic using the seeing glass to spy on your half-blood apprentices." Asher, the youngest son of Queen Elysia remarked snarkily. "Oh, you love them as much as I do." Dawn teased, closing her hand over the crystal ball.

"Sure I do. They are just really bratty kids." Asher rolled his eyes but his lips betrayed him. They were in the shape of a half-smile. Dawn walked over to her arch-nemesis. "What? You jealous?" She joked, plopping down next to him on the edge of the water fountain. "What? Of course not, I'm just curious." Asher snapped defensively.

There was a moment of silence until the young Fae replied. "They're watching the stars. The sky down there is beautiful tonight." She sounded a bit wistful. Then a familiar voice joined in "They are beautiful." Dawn hurried to get up. "Queen Elysia." She curtsied.

Asher only inclined his head at his mother and Dawn shot him a dirty look. "Tonight is special. The Exchanging is happening and the Coronation in two days." Elysia walked over, head held up elegantly, eyes aged with wisdom.

"The Exchanging?" Dawn questioned. Asher snickered "Just how much do you pay attention in class?" Dawn kicked him in the shin. "The Exchanging of the Crown, when the children of the sky exchange rulership rights to the next rotation of zodiac planet." Elysia blatantly ignored their playful bickering though her personal handmaidens, Ellie and Lili giggled.

"The Gemini Planet gets it next." Asher volunteered the information and Elysia smiled at her twenty-five years old son gently. "Yes, I can't quite remember the current ruling couple's names though. I do know that I am their father's brother-in-law's second cousin's wife's cousin." Elysia frowned.

"They're a set of twins. Princess Aurora and Diana, they're beautiful, seventeen years old. Their parents died in an accident three years ago." Ellie supplied. Lili nodded, agreeing. But Elysia wasn't listening, she was frowning at the sky. "I wonder what's happening?" She murmured, staring at a planet. They all jump when a strand of grey smoke started to billow from the eastern corner of Gemini.

"May I borrow your seeing glass, Dawn?" Elysia held out a hand, not tearing her eyes away from the planet. Dawn quickly hand over the small ball over to Elysia. "Shuka!" The queen muttered to the ball and it magnified until a video image of what is going on appeared before the small group.

Even though there isn't any sound, they would clearly see two blonde girl running in fear, glancing behind them every now and then to check for something the Fey can't see.

The taller one held out a hand and a silver crown appeared, it was decorated with three colored gemstone on the crystal and diamonds. One blue, one green and one red.

"The Starr Crown." Elysia breathed, sounding awed. The girl pointed to what Dawn assumed was her sister and to the horizon where giant white flowers waited.

The girl gestures and yelled something at the crown and it disappeared in a burst of golden light. Suddenly the first girl stopped and placed her arms in a defensive pose, the other girl kept on running, her long golden hair streaming after her like a banner.

Then almost in slow-motion, the first girl was blasted through the air and collapsed in a heap. The other girl was crying as she suddenly leaped higher than any other Fey could and landed safely in a flower. A blast of purple lightning startled everyone and Ellie sucked in a deep breath.

The flower floated through the air and disappeared quickly. It was a long time before anyone spoke. "Dawn, Asher, I have a mission for you." The Queen finally spoke.

"Yes milady?" Dawn asked, even though she knew the answer. "I want you to find the princess and the Starr Crown. Without its magic on the second day of the coronation, the cycle will be broken and the skies will fall into chaos, do you understand?" The Queen instructed.

"We understand." Asher answers for both of them. "Good." The Queen tilted her head at them as if she was waiting for an inevitable question.

"Where will we be going?" Dawn queried. Elysia smiled "I think you would like that part. You will be going to Earth..."


"DIANA!" Aurora called out for her sister as strike of lightning narrowly missed the blonde haired girl. "Keep on going, I'm fine." Diana replied, breathing heavily.

Aurora know they are not fine, Diana is already exhausted from trying to keep the castle from collapsing on top of them and taking a lightning strike for Aurora. She blinked back her tears. No time to cry, you can do that later when you are both safe. She told herself firmly.

"Rory, this isn't working, we have to do something else." Diana huffed. No shit. Aurora bit back her remark and listened intently to her sister's plan.

"I'm going to summon the Starr Crown-" Diana was interrupted by Aurora's own cry of outrage "You can't!" She panicked.

Diana shot her a look and replied "I'm not going to, I'm going to send it to Earth. And I will distract Ezra and her minions while you reach the Lilies to leave. Remember, our planet depends on you!" She finished, stopping to a complete halt. "But-"

"Go and don't look back!" Diana insisted, Aurora blinked back tears, cursing herself for being a coward and ran toward the Lilies, their strange portal to Earth.

She heard her sister taunt and yell at Ezra but she completely focused her attention on the Lilies. "Run, Aurora! Don't look back!" Diana called frantically before a loud blast sounded and her voice stopped all together.

Tears streaming down her face, Aurora jumped, giving herself energy to fly seventeen feet off the ground and landed on a crouch in the middle of the flower. There, she let her tears fall.
But her moment of grieving didn't last long, a blast sounded again and the Lily rocked violently, Aurora's head clashed again the wall of the transporter. Diana was the last thing she thought before her entire world turned black.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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