the beginning.

3 0 0

I'm running, jumping ,you hear about me everyday and everywhere. a lot of people are chasing me. I can't stay somewhere without someone knowing my name it hurts my head more than anything. a music starts. I looked for it but there's nowhere.
- ..kenzie..KENZIE WAKE UP !

oh God. it's my mom. and the music was my alarm. no big deal. I'm so tired everyday. I didn't have time to tell you who I am! I'm mackenzie but everyone calls me kenzie, I'm 16. so today is school like every other days. and the thing is that, I hate school. I have anxiety because of it but my mom tells me that it's not because of school and blablabla. alright I'll just dress up. 

(kenzie's ootd) and im already late, but it doesn't change with me soo it's okay

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(kenzie's ootd)
and im already late, but it doesn't change with me soo it's okay. I'll take my breakfast after, or on the way, or im not taking it i don't think I need it I'll just skip it like always.
-Bye mom !
-goodbye honey !

I had to run to go to school, I missed the bus. the Rollerblade were near the door. I put those on and rolled to school. i was so late. When I was in the front of the class u knocked. I came in with the Rollerblades on. the teacher didn't say anything, it was allowed so she couldn't say anything, but i knew that she would scream at me. Everyone looked at me like I was coming from another planet. I took a sit and didn't say anything until the bell rang.
I got out of the class as fast as possible. I waited for my friends in front of my locker. Liz and Amy where in front of my locker before me.
-Oh hello Kenz', said Liz.
-hi. I said. where are the others ?
-they're coming. said Amy before hugging me.
Liz and Amy are two asexual girls. they're bestfriends since forever.
Kayla ran behind me and jumped on my back.
-HI GURLS, she said.
-hi Kayla. we all said.
and there was Jenz coming with her girlfriend maddy. they were holding hands.
-hi everyone ! they said.
-helloooooo, answered Kayla.

Everyone that walked past us were judging us, it was funny. and you'll ask me why. well everyone in this school has a group, we're the sinners because we're all of the lgbtq+ community. and not everyone supports that. we have our own style, it's great to be part of a friend group tho.
there are a lot of groups in this school. I can't name one but there's a lot.

Liz and Amy are asexual, Kayla's bisexual, Jenz is omni-sexual, maddy's lesbian and I'm pansexual. everyone says that im the weirdest but I don't think so. everyone has his own style. what's cool in our school is that the teacher's cant judge or give their opinion on us. but they'll still call a therapist "just in case". I already saw one just because of my sexuality. everyone here already saw one. well that's not the point.

we just basically all hang out in the corridors we don't really go outside.

I saw my crush walk passing me, his name's Jayden. he has kinda the same style as me, that's what I like about him. well not just that, he's nice, cool, understandable, and every other things.
I like talking with him.

- can we go outside ? said maddy.
- why ? we're great here. said jenz
- i need to light my cigarette dude im not gonna do it in front of kenzie.
- but- ok. we're coming back. she said and went outside.

My other friends and I were talking, Jayden was holding on the locker in front of mine. he kept looking at me while he was talking to his friends. I  was doing the same, it was fun I think. I liked that game. we had over 3eyes contact, and it ended up with a smile. I was staring at him.

-Kenzie? kenzie do you even listen to me ? said Kayla, she looked at where I looked at. ooh i see! I'll leave you alone come on girls ! she said and left me alone, Liz and Amy came with her. 
I was daydreaming. when I came back nobody was there, they were all outside with jenz and maddy. I was alone, I couldn't go with them I was highly allergic to cigarettes. I sat down in front of my locker and took my book. Jayden sat down with me. I looked at him and smiled.

-Where are your friends ? I said.
-they're outside and I didn't want to leave you alone here so I came.
- you didn't need to-
- shhhh. I wanted to so shut up.
- ookok sorry.
- what are u reading ?
- two gays that will die in 24 hours.
- that's your thing right ?
- gays ? or dying ?
- both.
- you bitc-
- no bad words here.
- what are you ? my dad ?
- shut up.
- you said no bad words are you kidding me ?
- it's different for me !
- tch.
- your friends are coming back, soo I'll go back to my friends. oh and before i go, he gave me a piece of paper. here's my number, call it whenever you need, or when you can afford a phone. he smiled. bye loser ! he joined his friends.

I smiled. put that piece of paper in my book and my friend came back.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 18, 2022 ⏰

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